Displaying 61 – 80 of 1048

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The boundary behavior of a composite material

Maria Neuss-Radu (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper, we study how solutions to elliptic problems with periodically oscillating coefficients behave in the neighborhood of the boundary of a domain. We extend the results known for flat boundaries to domains with curved boundaries in the case of a layered medium. This is done by generalizing the notion of boundary layer and by defining boundary correctors which lead to an approximation of order ε in the energy norm.

The boundary behavior of a composite material

Maria Neuss-Radu (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we study how solutions to elliptic problems with periodically oscillating coefficients behave in the neighborhood of the boundary of a domain. We extend the results known for flat boundaries to domains with curved boundaries in the case of a layered medium. This is done by generalizing the notion of boundary layer and by defining boundary correctors which lead to an approximation of order ε in the energy norm.

The boundary regularity of a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equation and its connection to the interior regularity of pressure

Jiří Neustupa (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

We assume that 𝕧 is a weak solution to the non-steady Navier-Stokes initial-boundary value problem that satisfies the strong energy inequality in its domain and the Prodi-Serrin integrability condition in the neighborhood of the boundary. We show the consequences for the regularity of 𝕧 near the boundary and the connection with the interior regularity of an associated pressure and the time derivative of 𝕧 .

The boundary value problem for Dirac-harmonic maps

Qun Chen, Jürgen Jost, Guofang Wang, Miaomiao Zhu (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Dirac-harmonic maps are a mathematical version (with commuting variables only) of the solutions of the field equations of the non-linear supersymmetric sigma model of quantum field theory. We explain this structure, including the appropriate boundary conditions, in a geometric framework. The main results of our paper are concerned with the analytic regularity theory of such Dirac-harmonic maps. We study Dirac-harmonic maps from a Riemannian surface to an arbitrary compact Riemannian manifold. We...

The boundary-value problems for Laplace equation and domains with nonsmooth boundary

Dagmar Medková (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin problem for the Laplace equation is investigated on the open set with holes and nonsmooth boundary. The solutions are looked for in the form of a double layer potential and a single layer potential. The measure, the potential of which is a solution of the boundary-value problem, is constructed.

The BV solution of the parabolic equation with degeneracy on the boundary

Huashui Zhan, Shuping Chen (2016)

Open Mathematics

Consider a parabolic equation which is degenerate on the boundary. By the degeneracy, to assure the well-posedness of the solutions, only a partial boundary condition is generally necessary. When 1 ≤ α < p – 1, the existence of the local BV solution is proved. By choosing some kinds of test functions, the stability of the solutions based on a partial boundary condition is established.

The Calderón problem with partial data

Johannes Sjöstrand (2004)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We describe a joint work with C.E. Kenig and G. Uhlmann [9] where we improve an earlier result by Bukhgeim and Uhlmann [1], by showing that in dimension n 3 , the knowledge of the Cauchy data for the Schrödinger equation measured on possibly very small subsets of the boundary determines uniquely the potential. We follow the general strategy of [1] but use a richer set of solutions to the Dirichlet problem.

The Calderón-Zygmund theory for elliptic problems with measure data

Giuseppe Mingione (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We consider non-linear elliptic equations having a measure in the right-hand side, of the type div a ( x , D u ) = μ , and prove differentiability and integrability results for solutions. New estimates in Marcinkiewicz spaces are also given, and the impact of the measure datum density properties on the regularity of solutions is analyzed in order to build a suitable Calderón-Zygmund theory for the problem. All the regularity results presented in this paper are provided together with explicit local a priori estimates.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 1048