Displaying 1241 – 1260 of 1309

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Exponential decay to partially thermoelastic materials

Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera, Vanilde Bisognin, Eleni Bisognin (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We study the thermoelastic system for material which are partially thermoelastic. That is, a material divided into two parts, one of them a good conductor of heat, so there exists a thermoelastic phenomenon. The other is a bad conductor of heat so there is not heat flux. We prove for such models that the solution decays exponentially as time goes to infinity. We also consider a nonlinear case.

Exponential stability and transfer functions of processes governed by symmetric hyperbolic systems

Cheng-Zhong Xu, Gauthier Sallet (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we study the frequency and time domain behaviour of a heat exchanger network system. The system is governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations. Both the control operator and the observation operator are unbounded but admissible. Using the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems, we prove exponential stability of the underlying semigroup for the heat exchanger network. Applying the recent theory of well-posed infinite-dimensional linear systems, we prove that the system is...

Exponential Stability and Transfer Functions of Processes Governed by Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems

Cheng-Zhong Xu, Gauthier Sallet (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we study the frequency and time domain behaviour of a heat exchanger network system. The system is governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations. Both the control operator and the observation operator are unbounded but admissible. Using the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems, we prove exponential stability of the underlying semigroup for the heat exchanger network. Applying the recent theory of well-posed infinite-dimensional linear systems, we prove that the system...

Exponential stability of a flexible structure with history and thermal effect

Roberto Díaz, Jaime Muñoz, Carlos Martínez, Octavio Vera (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of a system composed of an integro-partial differential equation that models the longitudinal oscillation of a beam with a memory effect to which a thermal effect has been given by the Green-Naghdi model type III, being physically more accurate than the Fourier and Cattaneo models. To achieve this goal, we will use arguments from spectral theory, considering a suitable hypothesis of smoothness on the integro-partial differential equation.

Currently displaying 1241 – 1260 of 1309