Displaying 1261 – 1280 of 1309

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Exponential-type Nagumo norms and summability of formal solutions of singular partial differential equations

Zhuangchu Luo, Hua Chen, Changgui Zhang (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper, we study a class of first order nonlinear degenerate partial differential equations with singularity at ( t , x ) = ( 0 , 0 ) C 2 . Using exponential-type Nagumo norm approach, the Gevrey asymptotic analysis is extended to case of holomorphic parameters in a natural way. A sharp condition is then established to deduce the k -summability of the formal solutions. Furthermore, analytical solutions in conical domains are found for each type of these nonlinear singular PDEs.

Extended thermodynamics---a theory of symmetric hyperbolic field equations

Ingo Müller (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

Extended thermodynamics is based on a set of equations of balance which are supplemented by local and instantaneous constitutive equations so that the field equations are quasi-linear differential equations of first order. If the constitutive functions are subject to the requirements of the entropy principle, one may write them in symmetric hyperbolic form by a suitable choice of fields. The kinetic theory of gases, or the moment theories based on the Boltzmann equation, provide an explicit example...

Extension and lacunas of solutions of linear partial differential equations

Uwe Franken, Reinhold Meise (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let K Q be compact, convex sets in n with K and let P ( D ) be a linear, constant coefficient PDO. It is characterized in various ways when each zero solution of P ( D ) in the space ( K ) of all C -functions on K extends to a zero solution in ( Q ) resp. in ( n ) . The most relevant characterizations are in terms of Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions on the zero variety of P in n and in terms of fundamental solutions for P ( D ) with lacunas.

Extension of a regularity result concerning the dam problem

Gianni Gilardi, Stephan Luckhaus (1991)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

One proves, in the case of piecewise smooth coefficients, that the time derivative of the solution of the so called dam problem is a measure, extending the result proved by the same authors in the case of Lipschitz continuous coefficients.

Extension of CR functions to «wedge type» domains

Andrea D'Agnolo, Piero D'Ancona, Giuseppe Zampieri (1991)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Let X be a complex manifold, S a generic submanifold of X R , the real underlying manifold to X . Let Ω be an open subset of S with Ω analytic, Y a complexification of S . We first recall the notion of Ω -tuboid of X and of Y and then give a relation between; we then give the corresponding result in terms of microfunctions at the boundary. We relate the regularity at the boundary for ¯ b to the extendability of C R functions on Ω to Ω -tuboids of X . Next, if X has complex dimension 2, we give results on extension...

Currently displaying 1261 – 1280 of 1309