Displaying 241 – 260 of 1411

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Behaviour of global solutions for a system of reaction-diffusion equations from combustion theory

Salah Badraoui (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We are concerned with the boundedness and large time behaviour of the solution for a system of reaction-diffusion equations modelling complex consecutive reactions on a bounded domain under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Using the techniques of E. Conway, D. Hoff and J. Smoller [3] we also show that the bounded solution converges to a constant function as t → ∞. Finally, we investigate the rate of this convergence.

Bi-spaces global attractors in abstract parabolic equations

J. W. Cholewa, T. Dłotko (2003)

Banach Center Publications

An abstract semilinear parabolic equation in a Banach space X is considered. Under general assumptions on nonlinearity this problem is shown to generate a bounded dissipative semigroup on X α . This semigroup possesses an ( X α - Z ) -global attractor that is closed, bounded, invariant in X α , and attracts bounded subsets of X α in a ’weaker’ topology of an auxiliary Banach space Z. The abstract approach is finally applied to the scalar parabolic equation in Rⁿ and to the partly dissipative system.

Bistable traveling waves for monotone semiflows with applications

Jian Fang, Xiao-Qiang Zhao (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

This paper is devoted to the study of traveling waves for monotone evolution systems of bistable type. In an abstract setting, we establish the existence of traveling waves for discrete and continuous-time monotone semiflows in homogeneous and periodic habitats. The results are then extended to monotone semiflows with weak compactness. We also apply the theory to four classes of evolution systems.

Blow up for the critical gKdV equation. II: Minimal mass dynamics

Yvan Martel, Frank Merle, Pierre Raphaël (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider the mass critical (gKdV) equation u t + ( u x x + u 5 ) x = 0 for initial data in H 1 . We first prove the existence and uniqueness in the energy space of a minimal mass blow up solution and give a sharp description of the corresponding blow up soliton-like bubble. We then show that this solution is the universal attractor of all solutions near the ground state which have a defocusing behavior. This allows us to sharpen the description of near soliton dynamics obtained in [29].

Blow-up and global existence of a weak solution for a sine-Gordon type quasilinear wave equation

João-Paulo Dias, Mário Figueira (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si considera il problema di Cauchy per l'equazione (cf. [1]): ϕ t t - ϕ x x - ϕ x 2 ϕ x x + sin ϕ = 0 x , t R × R + . Nella prima parte di questo articolo si dimostra, per dati iniziali particolari, un risultato di «blow-up» della soluzione classica locale (in tempo), seguendo le idee introdotte in [8], [2] ed [4]. Nella seconda parte, viene utilizzato il metodo di compattezza per compensazione (cf. [13], [10] ed [5]) ed una estensione del principio delle regioni invarianti (cf. [12]) per dimostrare l'esistenza di una soluzione debole globale entropica....

Blow-up behavior in nonlocal vs local heat equations

Philippe Souplet (2000)

Banach Center Publications

We present some recent results on the blow-up behavior of solutions of heat equations with nonlocal nonlinearities. These results concern blow-up sets, rates and profiles. We then compare them with the corresponding results in the local case, and we show that the two types of problems exhibit "dual" blow-up behaviors.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 1411