Displaying 81 – 100 of 342

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Existence of multiple principal eigenvalues for some indefinite linear eigenvalue problems

J. Fleckinger, J. Hernández, F. Thélin (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We study the existence of principal eigenvalues for differential operators of second order which are not necessarily in divergence form. We obtain results concerning multiplicity of principal eigenvalues in both the variational and the general case. Our approach uses systematically the Krein-Rutman theorem and fixed point arguments for the spectral radius of some associated problems. We also use a variational characterization for both the self-adjoint and the general case.

Generalized Gaudin models and Riccatians

Aleksander Ushveridze (1996)

Banach Center Publications

The systems of differential equations whose solutions exactly coincide with Bethe ansatz solutions for generalized Gaudin models are constructed. These equations are called the generalized spectral ( 1 ) Riccati equations, because the simplest equation of this class has a standard Riccatian form. The general form of these equations is R n i [ z 1 ( λ ) , . . . , z r ( λ ) ] = c n i ( λ ) , i=1,..., r, where R n i denote some homogeneous polynomials of degrees n i constructed from functional variables z i ( λ ) and their derivatives. It is assumed that d e g k z i ( λ ) = k + 1 . The problem...

Geometry of KDV (1): Addition and the unimodular spectral classes.

Henry P. McKean (1986)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

This is the first of three papers on the geometry of KDV. It presents what purports to be a foliation of an extensive function space into which all known invariant manifolds of KDV fit naturally as special leaves. The two main themes are addition (each leaf has its private one) and unimodal spectral classes (each leaf has a spectral interpretation).

Homogenization of the criticality spectral equation in neutron transport

Grégoire Allaire, Guillaume Bal (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We address the homogenization of an eigenvalue problem for the neutron transport equation in a periodic heterogeneous domain, modeling the criticality study of nuclear reactor cores. We prove that the neutron flux, corresponding to the first and unique positive eigenvector, can be factorized in the product of two terms, up to a remainder which goes strongly to zero with the period. One term is the first eigenvector of the transport equation in the periodicity cell. The other term is the...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 342