On positively expansive differentiable maps
We investigate the definition and measurability questions of random fractals with infinite branching, and find, under certain conditions, a formula for the upper and lower Minkowski dimensions. For the case of a random self-similar set we obtain the packing dimension.
We study conditions involving the critical set of a regular polynomial endomorphism f∶ℂ2↦ℂ2 under which all complete external rays from infinity for f have well defined endpoints.
In the important paper on impulsive systems [K1] several notions are introduced and several properties of these systems are shown. In particular, the function ϕ which describes "the time of reaching impulse points" is considered; this function has many important applications. In [K1] the continuity of this function is investigated. However, contrary to the theorem stated there, the function ϕ need not be continuous under the assumptions given in the theorem. Suitable examples are shown in this paper....
The notion of an implicit Hamiltonian system-an isotropic mapping H: M → (TM,ω̇) into the tangent bundle endowed with the symplectic structure defined by canonical morphism between tangent and cotangent bundles of M-is studied. The corank one singularities of such systems are classified. Their transversality conditions in the 1-jet space of isotropic mappings are described and the corresponding symplectically invariant algebras of Hamiltonian generating functions are calculated.
Let L¹₄ be the group of 4-jets at zero of diffeomorphisms f of ℝ with f(0) = 0. Identifying jets with sequences of derivatives, we determine all subsemigroups of L¹₄ consisting of quadruples (x₁,f(x₁,x₄),g(x₁,x₄),x₄) ∈ (ℝ∖{0}) × ℝ³ with continuous functions f,g:(ℝ∖{0}) × ℝ → ℝ. This amounts to solving a set of functional equations.
Let T be an endomorphism of a probability measure space (Ω,𝓐,μ), and f be a real-valued measurable function on Ω. We consider the cohomology equation f = h ∘ T - h. Conditions for the existence of real-valued measurable solutions h in some function spaces are deduced. The results obtained generalize and improve a recent result of Alonso, Hong and Obaya.
In one of his papers, C. Viterbo defined a distance on the set of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of endowed with the standard symplectic form . We study the completions of this space for the topology induced by Viterbo’s distance and some others derived from it, we study their different inclusions and give some of their properties. In particular, we give a convergence criterion for these distances that allows us to prove that the completions contain non-ordinary elements, as for example, discontinuous...