Displaying 2721 – 2740 of 4754

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On embeddability of automorphisms into measurable flows from the point of view of self-joining properties

Joanna Kułaga-Przymus (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We compare self-joining and embeddability properties. In particular, we prove that a measure preserving flow ( T t ) t with T₁ ergodic is 2-fold quasi-simple (resp. 2-fold distally simple) if and only if T₁ is 2-fold quasi-simple (resp. 2-fold distally simple). We also show that the Furstenberg-Zimmer decomposition for a flow ( T t ) t with T₁ ergodic with respect to any flow factor is the same for ( T t ) t and for T₁. We give an example of a 2-fold quasi-simple flow disjoint from simple flows and whose time-one map is...

On energy conservation of the simplified Takahashi-Imada method

Ernst Hairer, Robert I. McLachlan, Robert D. Skeel (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In long-time numerical integration of Hamiltonian systems, and especially in molecular dynamics simulation, it is important that the energy is well conserved. For symplectic integrators applied with sufficiently small step size, this is guaranteed by the existence of a modified Hamiltonian that is exactly conserved up to exponentially small terms. This article is concerned with the simplified Takahashi-Imada method, which is a modification of the Störmer-Verlet method that is as easy to implement...

On enveloping semigroups of almost one-to-one extensions of minimal group rotations

Rafał Pikuła (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider a class of symbolic systems over a finite alphabet which are minimal almost one-to-one extensions of rotations of compact metric monothetic groups and provide computations of their enveloping semigroups that highlight their algebraic structure. We describe the set of idempotents of these semigroups and introduce a classification that can help distinguish between certain such systems having zero topological entropy.

On enveloping semigroups of nilpotent group actions generated by unipotent affine transformations of the torus

Rafał Pikuła (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a group generated by a set of affine unipotent transformations T: X → X of the form T(x) = A x + α, where A is a lower triangular unipotent matrix, α is a constant vector, and X is a finite-dimensional torus. We show that the enveloping semigroup E(X,G) of the dynamical system (X,G) is a nilpotent group and find upper and lower bounds on its nilpotency class. Also, we obtain a description of E(X,G) as a quotient space.

On ergodicity of some cylinder flows

Krzysztof Frączek (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study ergodicity of cylinder flows of the form    T f : T × T × , T f ( x , y ) = ( x + α , y + f ( x ) ) , where f : T is a measurable cocycle with zero integral. We show a new class of smooth ergodic cocycles. Let k be a natural number and let f be a function such that D k f is piecewise absolutely continuous (but not continuous) with zero sum of jumps. We show that if the points of discontinuity of D k f have some good properties, then T f is ergodic. Moreover, there exists ε f > 0 such that if v : T is a function with zero integral such that D k v is of bounded variation...

On exponential convergence to a stationary measure for a class of random dynamical systems

Sergei B. Kuksin (2001)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

For a class of random dynamical systems which describe dissipative nonlinear PDEs perturbed by a bounded random kick-force, I propose a “direct proof” of the uniqueness of the stationary measure and exponential convergence of solutions to this measure, by showing that the transfer-operator, acting in the space of probability measures given the Kantorovich metric, defines a contraction of this space.

On families of trajectories of an analytic gradient vector field

Adam Dzedzej, Zbigniew Szafraniec (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

For an analytic function f:ℝⁿ,0 → ℝ,0 having a critical point at the origin, we describe the topological properties of the partition of the family of trajectories of the gradient equation ẋ = ∇f(x) attracted by the origin, given by characteristic exponents and asymptotic critical values.

On Fatou-Julia decompositions

Taro Asuke (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We propose a Fatou-Julia decomposition for holomorphic pseudosemigroups. It will be shown that the limit sets of finitely generated Kleinian groups, the Julia sets of mapping iterations and Julia sets of complex codimension-one regular foliations can be seen as particular cases of the decomposition. The decomposition is applied in order to introduce a Fatou-Julia decomposition for singular holomorphic foliations. In the well-studied cases, the decomposition behaves as expected.

On fixed points of C 1 extensions of expanding maps in the unit disc

Roberto Tauraso (1994)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Using a result due to M. Shub, a theorem about the existence of fixed points inside the unit disc for C 1 extensions of expanding maps defined on the boundary is established. An application to a special class of rational maps on the Riemann sphere and some considerations on ergodic properties of these maps are also made.

On fixed points of holomorphic type

Ewa Ligocka (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study a linearization of a real-analytic plane map in the neighborhood of its fixed point of holomorphic type. We prove a generalization of the classical Koenig theorem. To do that, we use the well known results concerning the local dynamics of holomorphic mappings in ℂ².

On foundations of the Conley index theory

Roman Srzednicki (1999)

Banach Center Publications

The Conley index theory was introduced by Charles C. Conley (1933-1984) in [C1] and a major part of the foundations of the theory was developed in Ph. D. theses of his students, see for example [Ch, Ku, Mon]. The Conley index associates the homotopy type of some pointed space to an isolated invariant set of a flow, just as the fixed point index associates an integer number to an isolated set of fixed points of a continuous map. Examples of isolated invariant sets arise naturally in the critical...

Currently displaying 2721 – 2740 of 4754