Displaying 3241 – 3260 of 4754

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Plus-operators in Krein spaces and dichotomous behavior of irreversible dynamical systems with discrete time

V. Khatskevich, L. Zelenko (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We study dichotomous behavior of solutions to a non-autonomous linear difference equation in a Hilbert space. The evolution operator of this equation is not continuously invertible and the corresponding unstable subspace is of infinite dimension in general. We formulate a condition ensuring the dichotomy in terms of a sequence of indefinite metrics in the Hilbert space. We also construct an example of a difference equation in which dichotomous behavior of solutions is not compatible with the signature...

Poincaré inequalities and Sobolev spaces.

Paul MacManus (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Our understanding of the interplay between Poincaré inequalities, Sobolev inequalities and the geometry of the underlying space has changed considerably in recent years. These changes have simultaneously provided new insights into the classical theory and allowed much of that theory to be extended to a wide variety of different settings. This paper reviews some of these new results and techniques and concludes with an example on the preservation of Sobolev spaces by the maximal function.[Proceedings...

Poincaré-Hopf index and partial hyperbolicity

C. A Morales (2008)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We use the theory of partially hyperbolic systems [HPS] in order to find singularities of index 1 for vector fields with isolated zeroes in a 3 -ball. Indeed, we prove that such zeroes exists provided the maximal invariant set in the ball is partially hyperbolic, with volume expanding central subbundle, and the strong stable manifolds of the singularities are unknotted in the ball.

Poincaré-Melnikov theory for n-dimensional diffeomorphisms

M. Baldomà, E. Fontich (1998)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider perturbations of n-dimensional maps having homo-heteroclinic connections of compact normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds. We justify the applicability of the Poincaré-Melnikov method by following a geometric approach. Several examples are included.

Poincaré's recurrence theorem for set-valued dynamical systems

Jean-Pierre Aubin, Hélène Frankowska, Andrzej Lasota (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

 Abstract. The existence theorem of an invariant measure and Poincare's Recurrence Theorem are extended to set-valued dynamical systems with closed graph on a compact metric space.

Points on elliptic curves parametrizing dynamical Galois groups

Wade Hindes (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We show how rational points on certain varieties parametrize phenomena arising in the Galois theory of iterates of quadratic polynomials. As an example, we characterize completely the set of quadratic polynomials x²+c whose third iterate has a "small" Galois group by determining the rational points on some elliptic curves. It follows as a corollary that the only integer value with this property is c=3, answering a question of Rafe Jones. Furthermore, using a result of Granville's on the rational...

Points périodiques d’applications birationnelles de 2

Charles Favre (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous donnons une condition suffisante pour l’existence de points périodiques pour une application birationnelle de 2 . Sous cette hypothèse, une estimation précise du nombre de points périodiques de période fixée est obtenue. Nous donnons une application de ce résultat à l’étude dynamique de ces applications, en calculant explicitement l’auto-intersection de leur courant invariant naturellement associé. Nos résultats reposent essentiellement sur le théorème de Bézout donnant le cardinal de l’intersection...

Points with maximal Birkhoff average oscillation

Jinjun Li, Min Wu (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let f : X X be a continuous map with the specification property on a compact metric space X . We introduce the notion of the maximal Birkhoff average oscillation, which is the “worst” divergence point for Birkhoff average. By constructing a kind of dynamical Moran subset, we prove that the set of points having maximal Birkhoff average oscillation is residual if it is not empty. As applications, we present the corresponding results for the Birkhoff averages for continuous functions on a repeller and locally...

Pointwise convergence for subsequences of weighted averages

Patrick LaVictoire (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that if μₙ are probability measures on ℤ such that μ̂ₙ converges to 0 uniformly on every compact subset of (0,1), then there exists a subsequence n k such that the weighted ergodic averages corresponding to μ n k satisfy a pointwise ergodic theorem in L¹. We further discuss the relationship between Fourier decay and pointwise ergodic theorems for subsequences, considering in particular the averages along n² + ⌊ρ(n)⌋ for a slowly growing function ρ. Under some monotonicity assumptions, the rate...

Pointwise convergence of nonconventional averages

I. Assani (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We answer a question of H. Furstenberg on the pointwise convergence of the averages 1 / N n = 1 N U ( f · R ( g ) ) , where U and R are positive operators. We also study the pointwise convergence of the averages 1 / N n = 1 N f ( S x ) g ( R x ) when T and S are measure preserving transformations.

Pointwise ergodic theorems with rate and application to the CLT for Markov chains

Christophe Cuny, Michael Lin (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let T be Dunford–Schwartz operator on a probability space (Ω, μ). For f∈Lp(μ), p>1, we obtain growth conditions on ‖∑k=1nTkf‖p which imply that (1/n1/p)∑k=1nTkf→0 μ-a.e. In the particular case that p=2 and T is the isometry induced by a probability preserving transformation we get better results than in the general case; these are used to obtain a quenched central limit theorem for additive functionals of stationary ergodic Markov chains, which improves those of Derriennic–Lin and Wu–Woodroofe....

Pointwise limits for sequences of orbital integrals

Claire Anantharaman-Delaroche (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In 1967, Ross and Stromberg published a theorem about pointwise limits of orbital integrals for the left action of a locally compact group G on (G,ρ), where ρ is the right Haar measure. We study the same kind of problem, but more generally for left actions of G on any measure space (X,μ), which leave the σ-finite measure μ relatively invariant, in the sense that sμ = Δ(s)μ for every s ∈ G, where Δ is the modular function of G. As a consequence, we also obtain a generalization of a theorem of Civin...

Pointwise representation method.

Osipov, Vladimir Mihajlovich, Osipov, Vladimir Vladimirovich (2005)

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]

Currently displaying 3241 – 3260 of 4754