Displaying 321 – 340 of 352

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Courants dynamiques pluripolaires

Xavier Buff (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

On montre l’existence d’applications rationnelles f : k k telles que f est algébriquement stable  : pour tout n 0 , deg f n = ( deg f ) n ,il existe un unique courant positif fermé T de bidegré ( 1 , 1 ) vérifiant f * T = d · T et k T ω k - 1 = 1 ω est la forme de Fubini-Study sur k et T est pluripolaire  : il existe un ensemble pluripolaire X k tel que X T ω k - 1 = 1

Covariance algebra of a partial dynamical system

Bartosz Kosma Kwaśniewski (2005)

Open Mathematics

A pair (X, α) is a partial dynamical system if X is a compact topological space and α: Δ→ X is a continuous mapping such that Δ is open. Additionally we assume here that Δ is closed and α(Δ) is open. Such systems arise naturally while dealing with commutative C *-dynamical systems. In this paper we construct and investigate a universal C *-algebra C *(X,α) which agrees with the partial crossed product [10] in the case α is injective, and with the crossed product by a monomorphism [22] in the case...

Critical portraits for postcritically finite polynomials

Alfredo Poirier (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We extend the work of Bielefeld, Fisher and Hubbard on critical portraits to arbitrary postcritically finite polynomials. This gives the classification of such polynomials as dynamical systems in terms of their external ray behavior.

Cross ratios, Anosov representations and the energy functional on Teichmüller space

François Labourie (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We study two classes of linear representations of a surface group: Hitchin and maximal symplectic representations. We relate them to cross ratios and thus deduce that they are displacing which means that their translation lengths are roughly controlled by the translations lengths on the Cayley graph. As a consequence, we show that the mapping class group acts properly on the space of representations and that the energy functional associated to such a representation is proper. This implies the existence...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 352