Displaying 3561 – 3580 of 4754

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Šarkovského věta a diferenciální rovnice III

Ján Andres (2019)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Článek je pokračováním našich dřívějších stejnojmenných příspěvků, v nichž jsme vyšetřovali možnosti aplikace různých variant Šarkovského věty o koexistenci periodických bodů a orbit pro intervalová zobrazení na diferenciální rovnice a inkluze. I tentokrát se budeme zabývat stejným problémem, avšak pro zobrazení na kružnici. Na rozdíl od intervalových zobrazení zde totiž mj. nemusí periodické orbity implikovat existenci pevných bodů, což představuje největší překážku. Na druhé straně lze takto rozšířit...

Scattered homoclinics to a class of time-recurrent Hamiltonian systems

Gregory S. Spradlin (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A second-order Hamiltonian system with time recurrence is studied. The recurrence condition is weaker than almost periodicity. The existence is proven of an infinite family of solutions homoclinic to zero whose support is spread out over the real line.

Selection Theorem for Systems with Inheritance

A. N. Gorban (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The problem of finite-dimensional asymptotics of infinite-dimensional dynamic systems is studied. A non-linear kinetic system with conservation of supports for distributions has generically finite-dimensional asymptotics. Such systems are apparent in many areas of biology, physics (the theory of parametric wave interaction), chemistry and economics. This conservation of support has a biological interpretation: inheritance. The finite-dimensional asymptotics demonstrates effects of “natural”...

Self-affine fractals of finite type

Christoph Bandt, Mathias Mesing (2009)

Banach Center Publications

In the class of self-affine sets on ℝⁿ we study a subclass for which the geometry is rather tractable. A type is a standardized position of two intersecting pieces. For a self-affine tiling, this can be identified with an edge or vertex type. We assume that the number of types is finite. We study the topology of such fractals and their boundary sets, and we show how new finite type fractals can be constructed. For finite type self-affine tiles in the plane we give an algorithm which decides whether...

Semi-classical formula beyond the Ehrenfest time in quantum chaos. (I) Trace formula

Frédéric Faure (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider a nonlinear area preserving Anosov map M on the torus phase space, which is the simplest example of a fully chaotic dynamics. We are interested in the quantum dynamics for long time, generated by the unitary quantum propagator M ^ . The usual semi-classical Trace formula expresses T r M ^ t for finite time t , in the limit 0 , in terms of periodic orbits of M of period t . Recent work reach time t t E / 6 where t E = log ( 1 / ) / λ is the Ehrenfest time, and λ is the Lyapounov coefficient. Using a semi-classical normal form...

Currently displaying 3561 – 3580 of 4754