Displaying 3581 – 3600 of 4754

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Semicompleteness of homogeneous quadratic vector fields

Adolfo Guillot (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We investigate the quadratic homogeneous holomorphic vector fields on  C n that are semicomplete, this is, those whose solutions are single-valued in their maximal definition domain. To a generic quadratic vector field we rationally associate some complex numbers that turn out to be integers in the semicomplete case, thus showing that the linear equivalence classes of semicomplete vector fields are contained in some sort of lattice in the space of linear equivalence classes of quadratic ones. We prove...

Semiconjugacy to a map of a constant slope

Jozef Bobok (2012)

Studia Mathematica

It is well known that any continuous piecewise monotone interval map f with positive topological entropy h t o p ( f ) is semiconjugate to some piecewise affine map with constant slope e h t o p ( f ) . We prove this result for a class of Markov countably piecewise monotone continuous interval maps.

Semidefinite characterisation of invariant measures for one-dimensional discrete dynamical systems

Didier Henrion (2012)


Using recent results on measure theory and algebraic geometry, we show how semidefinite programming can be used to construct invariant measures of one-dimensional discrete dynamical systems (iterated maps on a real interval). In particular we show that both discrete measures (corresponding to finite cycles) and continuous measures (corresponding to chaotic behavior) can be recovered using standard software.

Semi-étale groupoids and applications

Klaus Thomsen (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We associate a C * -algebra to a locally compact Hausdorff groupoid with the property that the range map is locally injective. The construction generalizes J. Renault’s reduced groupoid C * -algebra of an étale groupoid and has the advantage that it works for the groupoid arising from a locally injective dynamical system by the method introduced in increasing generality by Renault, Deaconu and Anantharaman-Delaroche. We study the C * -algebras of such groupoids and give necessary and sufficient conditions...

Semigroup actions on tori and stationary measures on projective spaces

Yves Guivarc'h, Roman Urban (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Let Γ be a subsemigroup of G = GL(d,ℝ), d > 1. We assume that the action of Γ on d is strongly irreducible and that Γ contains a proximal and quasi-expanding element. We describe contraction properties of the dynamics of Γ on d at infinity. This amounts to the consideration of the action of Γ on some compact homogeneous spaces of G, which are extensions of the projective space d - 1 . In the case where Γ is a subsemigroup of GL(d,ℝ) ∩ M(d,ℤ) and Γ has the above properties, we deduce that the Γ-orbits...

Semilinear Cauchy Problems with Almost Sectorial Operators

Tomasz Dlotko (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Existence of a mild solution to a semilinear Cauchy problem with an almost sectorial operator is studied. Under additional regularity assumptions on the nonlinearity and initial data we also prove the existence of a classical solution to this problem. An example of a parabolic problem in Hölder spaces illustrates the abstract result.

Semisimple extensions of irrational rotations

Mariusz Lemańczyk, Mieczysław K. Mentzen, Hitoshi Nakada (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We show that semisimple actions of l.c.s.c. Abelian groups and cocycles with values in such groups can be used to build new examples of semisimple automorphisms (ℤ-actions) which are relatively weakly mixing extensions of irrational rotations.

Separation conditions on controlled Moran constructions

Antti Käenmäki, Markku Vilppolainen (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is well known that the open set condition and the positivity of the t-dimensional Hausdorff measure are equivalent on self-similar sets, where t is the zero of the topological pressure. We prove an analogous result for a class of Moran constructions and we study different kinds of Moran constructions in this respect.

Sequence entropy and rigid σ-algebras

Alvaro Coronel, Alejandro Maass, Song Shao (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We study relationships between sequence entropy and the Kronecker and rigid algebras. Let (Y,,ν,T) be a factor of a measure-theoretical dynamical system (X,,μ,T) and S be a sequence of positive integers with positive upper density. We prove there exists a subsequence A ⊆ S such that h μ A ( T , ξ | ) = H μ ( ξ | ( X | Y ) ) for all finite partitions ξ, where (X|Y) is the Kronecker algebra over . A similar result holds for rigid algebras over . As an application, we characterize compact, rigid and mixing extensions via relative sequence...

Sequence entropy pairs and complexity pairs for a measure

Wen Huang, Alejandro Maass, Xiangdong Ye (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we explore topological factors in between the Kronecker factor and the maximal equicontinuous factor of a system. For this purpose we introduce the concept of sequence entropy n -tuple for a measure and we show that the set of sequence entropy tuples for a measure is contained in the set of topological sequence entropy tuples [H- Y]. The reciprocal is not true. In addition, following topological ideas in [BHM], we introduce a weak notion and a strong notion of complexity pair for a...

Sequences of algebraic integers and density modulo  1

Roman Urban (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We prove density modulo 1 of the sets of the form { μ m λ n ξ + r m : n , m } , where λ , μ is a pair of rationally independent algebraic integers of degree d 2 , satisfying some additional assumptions, ξ 0 , and r m is any sequence of real numbers.

Set arithmetic and the enclosing problem in dynamics

Marian Mrozek, Piotr Zgliczyński (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the enclosing problem for discrete and continuous dynamical systems in the context of computer assisted proofs. We review and compare the existing methods and emphasize the importance of developing a suitable set arithmetic for efficient algorithms solving the enclosing problem.

Currently displaying 3581 – 3600 of 4754