Displaying 4201 – 4220 of 4754

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The minimal resultant locus

Robert Rumely (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

Let K be a complete, algebraically closed nonarchimedean valued field, and let φ(z) ∈ K(z) have degree d ≥ 2. We study how the resultant of φ varies under changes of coordinates. For γ ∈ GL₂(K), we show that the map γ o r d ( R e s ( φ γ ) ) factors through a function o r d R e s φ ( · ) on the Berkovich projective line, which is piecewise affine and convex up. The minimal resultant is achieved either at a single point in P ¹ K , or on a segment, and the minimal resultant locus is contained in the tree in P ¹ K spanned by the fixed points and poles...

The M/M/1 queue is Bernoulli

Michael Keane, Neil O'Connell (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The classical output theorem for the M/M/1 queue, due to Burke (1956), states that the departure process from a stationary M/M/1 queue, in equilibrium, has the same law as the arrivals process, that is, it is a Poisson process. We show that the associated measure-preserving transformation is metrically isomorphic to a two-sided Bernoulli shift. We also discuss some extensions of Burke's theorem where it remains an open problem to determine if, or under what conditions, the analogue of this result...

The moduli space of totally marked degree two rational maps

Anupam Bhatnagar (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

A rational map ϕ: ℙ¹ → ℙ¹ along with an ordered list of fixed and critical points is called a totally marked rational map. The space R a t t m of totally marked degree two rational maps can be parametrized by an affine open subset of (ℙ¹)⁵. We consider the natural action of SL₂ on R a t t m induced from the action of SL₂ on (ℙ¹)⁵ and prove that the quotient space R a t t m / S L exists as a scheme. The quotient is isomorphic to a Del Pezzo surface with the isomorphism being defined over ℤ[1/2].

The Mordell–Lang question for endomorphisms of semiabelian varieties

Dragos Ghioca, Thomas Tucker, Michael E. Zieve (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

The Mordell–Lang conjecture describes the intersection of a finitely generated subgroup with a closed subvariety of a semiabelian variety. Equivalently, this conjecture describes the intersection of closed subvarieties with the set of images of the origin under a finitely generated semigroup of translations. We study the analogous question in which the translations are replaced by algebraic group endomorphisms (and the origin is replaced by another point). We show that the conclusion of the Mordell–Lang...

The Morse minimal system is finitarily Kakutani equivalent to the binary odometer

Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury, Daniel J. Rudolph (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Two invertible dynamical systems (X,,μ,T) and (Y,,ν,S), where X and Y are Polish spaces and Borel probability spaces and T, S are measure preserving homeomorphisms of X and Y, are said to be finitarily orbit equivalent if there exists an invertible measure preserving mapping ϕ from a subset X₀ of X of measure one onto a subset Y₀ of Y of full measure such that (1) ϕ | X is continuous in the relative topology on X₀ and ϕ - 1 | Y is continuous in the relative topology on Y₀, (2) ϕ ( O r b T ( x ) ) = O r b S ( ϕ ( x ) ) for μ-a.e. x ∈ X. (X,,μ,T) and...

The n -centre problem of celestial mechanics for large energies

Andreas Knauf (2002)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider the classical three-dimensional motion in a potential which is the sum of n attracting or repelling Coulombic potentials. Assuming a non-collinear configuration of the n centres, we find a universal behaviour for all energies E above a positive threshold. Whereas for n = 1 there are no bounded orbits, and for n = 2 there is just one closed orbit, for n 3 the bounded orbits form a Cantor set. We analyze the symbolic dynamics and estimate Hausdorff dimension and topological entropy of this hyperbolic set....

The nonexistence of universal metric flows

Stefan Geschke (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider dynamical systems of the form ( X , f ) where X is a compact metric space and f : X X is either a continuous map or a homeomorphism and provide a new proof that there is no universal metric dynamical system of this kind. The same is true for metric minimal dynamical systems and for metric abstract ω -limit sets, answering a question by Will Brian.

The number of binary rotation words

A. Frid, D. Jamet (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We consider binary rotation words generated by partitions of the unit circle to two intervals and give a precise formula for the number of such words of length n. We also give the precise asymptotics for it, which happens to be Θ(n4). The result continues the line initiated by the formula for the number of all Sturmian words obtained by Lipatov [Problemy Kibernet. 39 (1982) 67–84], then independently by Mignosi [Theoret. Comput. Sci. 82 (1991) 71–84], and others.

The ODE method for some self-interacting diffusions on ℝd

Aline Kurtzmann (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

The aim of this paper is to study the long-term behavior of a class of self-interacting diffusion processes on ℝd. These are solutions to SDEs with a drift term depending on the actual position of the process and its normalized occupation measure μt. These processes have so far been studied on compact spaces by Benaïm, Ledoux and Raimond, using stochastic approximation methods. We extend these methods to ℝd, assuming a confinement potential satisfying some conditions. These hypotheses on the confinement...

Currently displaying 4201 – 4220 of 4754