Displaying 481 – 500 of 4754

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Applications of regime-switching models based on aggregation operators

Jozef Komorník, Magda Komorníková (2007)


A synthesis of recent development of regime-switching models based on aggregation operators is presented. It comprises procedures for model specification and identification, parameter estimation and model adequacy testing. Constructions of models for real life data from hydrology and finance are presented.

Applications of the Euler characteristic in bifurcation theory.

Slawomir Rybicki (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let f: Rn x Rn → Rn be a continuous map such that f(0,λ) = 0 for all λ ∈ Rk. In this article we formulate, in terms of the Euler characteristic of algebraic sets, sufficient conditions for the existence of bifurcation points of the equation f(x,λ) = 0. Moreover we apply these results in bifurcation theory to ordinary differential equations. It is worth to point out that in the last paragraph we show how to verify, by computer, the assumptions of the theorems of this paper.

Applicazioni del teorema di Nekhoroshev alla meccanica celeste

Giancarlo Benettin (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

The application of Nekhoroshev theory to selected physical systems, interesting for Celestial Mechanics, is here reviewed. Applications include the stability of motions in the weakly perturbed Euler-Poinsot rigid body and the stability of the so-called Lagrangian equilibria L 4 , L 5 in the spatial circular restricted three-body problem. The difficulties to be overcome, which require a nontrivial extension of the standard Nekhoroshev theorem, are the presence of singularities in the fiber structure...

Approximation properties of β-expansions

Simon Baker (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

Let β ∈ (1,2) and x ∈ [0,1/(β-1)]. We call a sequence ( ϵ i ) i = 1 0 , 1 a β-expansion for x if x = i = 1 ϵ i β - i . We call a finite sequence ( ϵ i ) i = 1 n 0 , 1 n an n-prefix for x if it can be extended to form a β-expansion of x. In this paper we study how good an approximation is provided by the set of n-prefixes. Given Ψ : 0 , we introduce the following subset of ℝ: W β ( Ψ ) : = m = 1 n = m ( ϵ i ) i = 1 n 0 , 1 n [ i = 1 n ( ϵ i ) / ( β i ) , i = 1 n ( ϵ i ) / ( β i ) + Ψ ( n ) ] In other words, W β ( Ψ ) is the set of x ∈ ℝ for which there exist infinitely many solutions to the inequalities 0 x - i = 1 n ( ϵ i ) / ( β i ) Ψ ( n ) . When n = 1 2 n Ψ ( n ) < , the Borel-Cantelli lemma tells us that the Lebesgue measure of W β ( Ψ ) is...

Approximative sequences and almost homoclinic solutions for a class of second order perturbed Hamiltonian systems

Marek Izydorek, Joanna Janczewska (2014)

Banach Center Publications

In this work we will consider a class of second order perturbed Hamiltonian systems of the form q ̈ + V q ( t , q ) = f ( t ) , where t ∈ ℝ, q ∈ ℝⁿ, with a superquadratic growth condition on a time periodic potential V: ℝ × ℝⁿ → ℝ and a small aperiodic forcing term f: ℝ → ℝⁿ. To get an almost homoclinic solution we approximate the original system by time periodic ones with larger and larger time periods. These approximative systems admit periodic solutions, and an almost homoclinic solution for the original system is obtained...

Arithmetic progressions and the primes.

Terence Tao (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

We describe some of the machinery behind recent progress in establishing infinitely many arithmetic progressions of length k in various sets of integers, in particular in arbitrary dense subsets of the integers, and in the primes.

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 4754