Displaying 541 – 560 of 4754

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Attractors for stochastic reaction-diffusion equation with additive homogeneous noise

Jakub Slavík (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of a reaction-diffusion equation in the whole space d driven by a spatially homogeneous Wiener process with finite spectral measure. The existence of a random attractor is established for initial data in suitable weighted L 2 -space in any dimension, which complements the result from P. W. Bates, K. Lu, and B. Wang (2013). Asymptotic compactness is obtained using elements of the method of short trajectories.

Attractors of Strongly Dissipative Systems

A. G. Ramm (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

A class of infinite-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems is defined for which there exists a unique equilibrium point, and the rate of convergence to this point of the trajectories of a dynamical system from the above class is exponential. All the trajectories of the system converge to this point as t → +∞, no matter what the initial conditions are. This class consists of strongly dissipative systems. An example of such systems is provided by passive systems in network theory (see, e.g., MR0601947...

Attractors with vanishing rotation number

Rafael Ortega, Francisco Ruiz del Portal (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Given an orientation-preserving homeomorphism of the plane, a rotation number can be associated with each locally attracting fixed point. Assuming that the homeomorphism is dissipative and the rotation number vanishes we prove the existence of a second fixed point. The main tools in the proof are Carath´eodory prime ends and fixed point index. The result is applicable to some concrete problems in the theory of periodic differential equations.

Automate des préfixes-suffixes associé à une substitution primitive

Vincent Canterini, Anne Siegel (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

On explicite une conjugaison en mesure entre le décalage sur le système dynamique associé à une substitution primitive et une transformation adique sur le support d'un sous-shift de type fini, à savoir l'ensemble des chemins d'un automate dit des préfixes-suffixes. En caractérisant les préimages par la conjugaison des chemins périodiques de l'automate, on montre que cette conjugaison est injective sauf sur un ensemble dénombrable, sur lequel elle est finie-à-un. On en déduit l'existence d'une suite...

Automorphisms with exotic orbit growth

Stephan Baier, Sawian Jaidee, Shaun Stevens, Thomas Ward (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

The dynamical Mertens' theorem describes asymptotics for the growth in the number of closed orbits in a dynamical system. We construct families of ergodic automorphisms of fixed entropy on compact connected groups with a continuum of growth rates on two different growth scales. This shows in particular that the space of all ergodic algebraic dynamical systems modulo the equivalence of shared orbit-growth asymptotics is not countable. In contrast, for the equivalence relation of measurable isomorphism...

Averaging method for differential equations perturbed by dynamical systems

Françoise Pène (2002)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper, we are interested in the asymptotical behavior of the error between the solution of a differential equation perturbed by a flow (or by a transformation) and the solution of the associated averaged differential equation. The main part of this redaction is devoted to the ascertainment of results of convergence in distribution analogous to those obtained in [10] and [11]. As in [11], we shall use a representation by a suspension flow over a dynamical system. Here, we make an assumption...

Averaging method for differential equations perturbed by dynamical systems

Françoise Pène (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper, we are interested in the asymptotical behavior of the error between the solution of a differential equation perturbed by a flow (or by a transformation) and the solution of the associated averaged differential equation. The main part of this redaction is devoted to the ascertainment of results of convergence in distribution analogous to those obtained in [10] and [11]. As in [11], we shall use a representation by a suspension flow over a dynamical system. Here, we make an assumption...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 4754