Divergent trajectories of flows on homogeneous spaces and Diophantine approximation.
We introduce a new equivalence relation on the set of all polygonal billiards. We say that two billiards (or polygons) are order equivalent if each of the billiards has an orbit whose footpoints are dense in the boundary and the two sequences of footpoints of these orbits have the same combinatorial order. We study this equivalence relation under additional regularity conditions on the orbit.
The object of the present paper is to give a qualitative description of the bifurcation mechanisms associated with a closed invariant curve in three-dimensional maps, leading to its doubling, not related to a standard doubling of tori. We propose an explanation on how a closed invariant attracting curve, born via Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, can be transformed into a repelling one giving birth to a new attracting closed invariant curve which has doubled...
In this paper we construct on truncated current Lie algebras integrable hierarchies of partial differential equations, which generalize the Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies defined on Kac-Moody Lie algebras.
One gives the links between the notions of singular foliations, Γ-structures and momentum mapping in the context of symplectic geometry.
Dubrovin type equations for the N -gap solution of a completely integrable system associated with a polynomial pencil is constructed and then integrated to a system of functional equations. The approach used to derive those results is a generalization of the familiar process of finding the 1-soliton (1-gap) solution by integrating the ODE obtained from the soliton equation via the substitution u = u(x + λt).