Dissipative initial boundary value problem for the BBM-equation.
We obtain estimates for derivative and cross-ratio distortion for (any η > 0) unimodal maps with non-flat critical points. We do not require any “Schwarzian-like” condition. For two intervals J ⊂ T, the cross-ratio is defined as the value B(T,J): = (|T| |J|)/(|L| |R|) where L,R are the left and right connected components of T∖J respectively. For an interval map g such that is a diffeomorphism, we consider the cross-ratio distortion to be B(g,T,J): = B(g(T),g(J))/B(T,J). We prove that for...
Asymptotic properties of the sequences (a) and (b) , where is the Frobenius-Perron operator associated with a nonsingular Markov map defined on a σ-finite measure space, are studied for g ∈ G = f ∈ L¹: f ≥ 0 and ⃦f ⃦ = 1. An operator-theoretic analogue of Rényi’s Condition is introduced. It is proved that under some additional assumptions this condition implies the L¹-convergence of the sequences (a) and (b) to a unique g₀ ∈ G. The general result is applied to some smooth Markov maps in ....
This paper proposes a distributed accelerated first-order continuous-time algorithm for convergence to Nash equilibria in a class of two-subnetwork zero-sum games with bilinear couplings. First-order methods, which only use subgradients of functions, are frequently used in distributed/parallel algorithms for solving large-scale and big-data problems due to their simple structures. However, in the worst cases, first-order methods for two-subnetwork zero-sum games often have an asymptotic or convergence....
This paper is concerned with solving the distributed resource allocation optimization problem by multi-agent systems over undirected graphs. The optimization objective function is a sum of local cost functions associated to individual agents, and the optimization variable satisfies a global network resource constraint. The local cost function and the network resource are the private data for each agent, which are not shared with others. A novel gradient-based continuous-time algorithm is proposed...
Nous construisons pour toute correspondance polynomiale d’exposant de Lojasiewicz une mesure d’équilibre . Nous montrons que est approximable par les préimages d’un point générique et que les points périodiques répulsifs sont équidistribués sur le support de . En utilisant ces résultats, nous donnons une caractérisation des ensembles d’unicité pour les polynômes.
We determine the asymptotics of the joint eigenfunctions of the torus action on a toric Kähler variety. Such varieties are models of completely integrable systems in complex geometry. We first determine the pointwise asymptotics of the eigenfunctions, which show that they behave like Gaussians centered at the corresponding classical torus. We then show that there is a universal Gaussian scaling limit of the distribution function near its center. We also determine the limit...
Schweizer and Smítal introduced the distributional chaos for continuous maps of the interval in B. Schweizer, J. Smítal, Measures of chaos and a spectral decomposition of dynamical systems on the interval. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 344 (1994), 737–854. In this paper, we discuss the distributional chaos DC1–DC3 for flows on compact metric spaces. We prove that both the distributional chaos DC1 and DC2 of a flow are equivalent to the time-1 maps and so some properties of DC1 and DC2 for discrete systems...
This paper is concerned with distributional chaos of time-varying discrete systems in metric spaces. Some basic concepts are introduced for general time-varying systems, including sequentially distributive chaos, weak mixing, and mixing. We give an example of sequentially distributive chaos of finite-dimensional linear time-varying dynamical systems, which is not distributively chaotic of type i (DCi for short, i = 1, 2). We also prove that two uniformly topological equiconjugate time-varying systems...
Let , , and let be a continuous map having the branching point fixed. We prove that is distributionally chaotic iff the topological entropy of is positive.
It is shown how to extend the formal variational calculus in order to incorporate integrals of divergences into it. Such a generalization permits to study nontrivial boundary problems in field theory on the base of canonical formalism.