Displaying 2321 – 2340 of 13204

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Compact embeddings of Brézis-Wainger type.

Fernando Cobos, Thomas Kühn, Tomas Schonbek (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Let Ω be a bounded domain in Rn and denote by idΩ the restriction operator from the Besov space Bpq1+n/p(Rn) into the generalized Lipschitz space Lip(1,-α)(Ω). We study the sequence of entropy numbers of this operator and prove that, up to logarithmic factors, it behaves asymptotically like ek(idΩ) ~ k-1/p if α > max (1 + 2/p + 1/q, 1/p). Our estimates improve previous results by Edmunds and Haroske.

Compact endomorphisms of H ( D )

Joel Feinstein, Herbert Kamowitz (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Compact composition operators on H ( G ) , where G is a region in the complex plane, and the spectra of these operators were described by D. Swanton ( Compact composition operators on B(D), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 56 (1976), 152-156). In this short note we characterize all compact endomorphisms, not necessarily those induced by composition operators, on H ( D ) , where D is the unit disc, and determine their spectra.

Compact homomorphisms between algebras of analytic functions

Richard Aron, Pablo Galindo, Mikael Lindström (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that every weakly compact multiplicative linear continuous map from H ( D ) into H ( D ) is compact. We also give an example which shows that this is not generally true for uniform algebras. Finally, we characterize the spectra of compact composition operators acting on the uniform algebra H ( B E ) , where B E is the open unit ball of an infinite-dimensional Banach space E.

Compact operators and approximation spaces

Fernando Cobos, Oscar Domínguez, Antón Martínez (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We investigate compact operators between approximation spaces, paying special attention to the limit case. Applications are given to embeddings between Besov spaces.

Compact operators between K- and J-spaces

Fernando Cobos, Luz M. Fernández-Cabrera, Antón Martínez (2005)

Studia Mathematica

The paper establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for compactness of operators acting between general K-spaces, general J-spaces and operators acting from a J-space into a K-space. Applications to interpolation of compact operators are also given.

Compact operators whose adjoints factor through subspaces of l p

Deba P. Sinha, Anil K. Karn (2002)

Studia Mathematica

For p ≥ 1, a subset K of a Banach space X is said to be relatively p-compact if K n = 1 α x : α B a l l ( l p ' ) , where p’ = p/(p-1) and x l p s ( X ) . An operator T ∈ B(X,Y) is said to be p-compact if T(Ball(X)) is relatively p-compact in Y. Similarly, weak p-compactness may be defined by considering x l p w ( X ) . It is proved that T is (weakly) p-compact if and only if T* factors through a subspace of l p in a particular manner. The normed operator ideals ( K p , κ p ) of p-compact operators and ( W p , ω p ) of weakly p-compact operators, arising from these factorizations,...

Currently displaying 2321 – 2340 of 13204