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Comparison of Metric Spectral Gaps

Assaf Naor (2014)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Let A = (aij) ∊ Mn(ℝ) be an n by n symmetric stochastic matrix. For p ∊ [1, ∞) and a metric space (X, dX), let γ(A, dpx) be the infimum over those γ ∊ (0,∞] for which every x1, . . . , xn ∊ X satisfy [...] Thus γ (A, dpx) measures the magnitude of the nonlinear spectral gap of the matrix A with respect to the kernel dpX : X × X →[0,∞). We study pairs of metric spaces (X, dX) and (Y, dY ) for which there exists Ψ: (0,∞)→(0,∞) such that γ (A, dpX) ≤Ψ (A, dpY ) for every symmetric stochastic A ∊ Mn(ℝ)...

Comparison of Orlicz-Lorentz spaces

S. Montgomery-Smith (1992)

Studia Mathematica

Orlicz-Lorentz spaces provide a common generalization of Orlicz spaces and Lorentz spaces. They have been studied by many authors, including Mastyło, Maligranda, and Kamińska. In this paper, we consider the problem of comparing the Orlicz-Lorentz norms, and establish necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be equivalent. As a corollary, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a Lorentz-Sharpley space to be equivalent to an Orlicz space, extending results of Lorentz and Raynaud. We...

Complementation in spaces of symmetric tensor products and polynomials.

Fernando Blasco (1996)

Extracta Mathematicae

Our aim here is to announce some properties of complementation for spaces of symmetric tensor products and homogeneous continuous polynomials on a locally convex space E that have, in particular, consequences in the study of the property (BB)n,s recently introduced by Dineen [8].

Complemented copies of c0 in C0(Ω).

Juan Carlos Ferrando, Manuel López Pellicer (2001)


En esta nota consideramos una clase de espacios topológicos de Hausdorff localmente compactos (Ω) con la propiedad de que el espacio de Banach C0(Ω) de todas las funciones continuas con valores escalares definidas en Ω que se anulan en el infinito, equipado con la norma supremo, contiene una copia de C0 norma-uno complementada, mientras que C (βΩ) contiene una copia de l∞ linealmente isométrica.

Complemented copies of c0 in vector-valued Köthe-Dieudonné function spaces.

Santiago Díaz, Antonio Fernandez, Miguel Florencio, Pedro J. Paúl (1992)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let [Lambda] be a barrelled perfect (in the sense of J. Dieudonné) Köthe space of measurable functions defined on an atomless finite Radon measure space. Let X be a Banach space containing a copy of c0, then the space [Lambda(X)] of [Lambda]-Bochner integrable functions contains a complemented copy of c0.

Complemented copies of p spaces in tensor products

Raffaella Cilia, Joaquín M. Gutiérrez (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give sufficient conditions on Banach spaces X and Y so that their projective tensor product X π Y , their injective tensor product X ϵ Y , or the dual ( X π Y ) * contain complemented copies of p .

Currently displaying 2381 – 2400 of 13204