Displaying 2461 – 2480 of 13204

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Composition in ultradifferentiable classes

Armin Rainer, Gerhard Schindl (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize stability under composition of ultradifferentiable classes defined by weight sequences M, by weight functions ω, and, more generally, by weight matrices , and investigate continuity of composition (g,f) ↦ f ∘ g. In addition, we represent the Beurling space ( ω ) and the Roumieu space ω as intersection and union of spaces ( M ) and M for associated weight sequences, respectively.

Composition of (E,2)-summing operators

Andreas Defant, Mieczysław Mastyło (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The Banach operator ideal of (q,2)-summing operators plays a fundamental role within the theory of s-number and eigenvalue distribution of Riesz operators in Banach spaces. A key result in this context is a composition formula for such operators due to H. König, J. R. Retherford and N. Tomczak-Jaegermann. Based on abstract interpolation theory, we prove a variant of this result for (E,2)-summing operators, E a symmetric Banach sequence space.

Composition operator and Sobolev-Lorentz spaces W L n , q

Stanislav Hencl, Luděk Kleprlík, Jan Malý (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let Ω,Ω’ ⊂ ℝⁿ be domains and let f: Ω → Ω’ be a homeomorphism. We show that if the composition operator T f : u u f maps the Sobolev-Lorentz space W L n , q ( Ω ' ) to W L n , q ( Ω ) for some q ≠ n then f must be a locally bilipschitz mapping.

Composition operators and the Hilbert matrix

E. Diamantopoulos, Aristomenis Siskakis (2000)

Studia Mathematica

The Hilbert matrix acts on Hardy spaces by multiplication with Taylor coefficients. We find an upper bound for the norm of the induced operator.

Composition operators on Banach spaces of formal power series

B. Yousefi, S. Jahedi (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let β n n = 0 be a sequence of positive numbers and 1 p < . We consider the space H p β of all power series f z = n = 0 f n z n such that n = 0 f n p β n p < . Suppose that 1 p + 1 q = 1 and n = 1 n q j β n q = for some nonnegative integer j . We show that if C φ is compact on H p β , then the non-tangential limit of φ j + 1 has modulus greater than one at each boundary point of the open unit disc. Also we show that if C φ is Fredholm on H p β , then φ must be an automorphism of the open unit disc.

Composition operators on W 1 X are necessarily induced by quasiconformal mappings

Luděk Kleprlík (2014)

Open Mathematics

Let Ω ⊂ ℝn be an open set and X(Ω) be any rearrangement invariant function space close to L q(Ω), i.e. X has the q-scaling property. We prove that each homeomorphism f which induces the composition operator u ↦ u ℴ f from W 1 X to W 1 X is necessarily a q-quasiconformal mapping. We also give some new results for the sufficiency of this condition for the composition operator.

Currently displaying 2461 – 2480 of 13204