Displaying 241 – 260 of 445

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Remarks on q-CCR relations for |q| > 1

Marek Bożejko (2007)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we give a construction of operators satisfying q-CCR relations for q > 1: A ( f ) A * ( g ) - A * ( g ) A ( f ) = q N f , g I and also q-CAR relations for q < -1: B ( f ) B * ( g ) + B * ( g ) B ( f ) = | q | N f , g I , where N is the number operator on a suitable Fock space q ( ) acting as Nx₁ ⊗ ⋯ ⊗ xₙ = nx₁ ⊗ ⋯ ⊗xₙ. Some applications to combinatorial problems are also given.

Remarks on rich subspaces of Banach spaces

Vladimir Kadets, Nigel Kalton, Dirk Werner (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate rich subspaces of L₁ and deduce an interpolation property of Sidon sets. We also present examples of rich separable subspaces of nonseparable Banach spaces and we study the Daugavet property of tensor products.

Remarks on some properties in the geometric theory of Banach spaces

Wagdy Gomaa El-Sayed, Krzysztof Fraczek (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The aim of this paper is to derive some relationships between the concepts of the property of strong ( α ' ) introduced recently by Hong-Kun Xu and the so-called characteristic of near convexity defined by Goebel and Sȩkowski. Particularly we provide very simple proof of a result obtained by Hong-Kun Xu.

Remarks on the boolean convolution and Kerov's α-transformation

Anna Dorota Krystek (2006)

Banach Center Publications

This paper consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to the study of continuous diagrams and their connections with the boolean convolution. In the second part we investigate the rectangular Young diagrams and respective discrete measures. We recall the definition of Kerov's α-transformation of diagrams, define the α-transformation of finitely supported discrete measures and generalize the notion of the α-transformation.

Remarks on the Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu Approach to Sobolev Spaces

B. Bojarski (2011)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

For a function f L l o c p ( ) the notion of p-mean variation of order 1, p ( f , ) is defined. It generalizes the concept of F. Riesz variation of functions on the real line ℝ¹ to ℝⁿ, n > 1. The characterisation of the Sobolev space W 1 , p ( ) in terms of p ( f , ) is directly related to the characterisation of W 1 , p ( ) by Lipschitz type pointwise inequalities of Bojarski, Hajłasz and Strzelecki and to the Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu approach.

Remarks on the complementability of spaces of Bochner integrable functions in spaces of vector measures

Giovanni Emmanuele (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In the paper [5] L. Drewnowski and the author proved that if X is a Banach space containing a copy of c 0 then L 1 ( μ , X ) is not complemented in c a b v ( μ , X ) and conjectured that the same result is true if X is any Banach space without the Radon-Nikodym property. Recently, F. Freniche and L. Rodriguez-Piazza ([7]) disproved this conjecture, by showing that if μ is a finite measure and X is a Banach lattice not containing copies of c 0 , then L 1 ( μ , X ) is complemented in c a b v ( μ , X ) . Here, we show that the complementability of L 1 ( μ , X ) in c a b v ( μ , X ) together...

Remarks on the critical Besov space and its embedding into weighted Besov-Orlicz spaces

Hidemitsu Wadade (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We present several continuous embeddings of the critical Besov space B p n / p , ρ ( ) . We first establish a Gagliardo-Nirenberg type estimate | | u | | q , w r 0 , ν C ( 1 / ( n - r ) ) 1 / q + 1 / ν - 1 / ρ ( q / r ) 1 / ν - 1 / ρ | | u | | p 0 , ρ ( n - r ) p / n q | | u | | p n / p , ρ 1 - ( n - r ) p / n q , for 1 < p ≤ q < ∞, 1 ≤ ν < ρ ≤ ∞ and the weight function w r ( x ) = 1 / ( | x | r ) with 0 < r < n. Next, we prove the corresponding Trudinger type estimate, and obtain it in terms of the embedding B p n / p , ρ ( ) B Φ , w r 0 , ν ( ) , where the function Φ₀ of the weighted Besov-Orlicz space B Φ , w r 0 , ν ( ) is a Young function of the exponential type. Another point of interest is to embed B p n / p , ρ ( ) into the weighted Besov space B p , w 0 , ρ ( ) with...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 445