Displaying 321 – 340 of 880

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Commutants of von Neumann correspondences and duality of Eilenberg-Watts theorems by Rieffel and by Blecher

Michael Skeide (2006)

Banach Center Publications

The category of von Neumann correspondences from 𝓑 to 𝓒 (or von Neumann 𝓑-𝓒-modules) is dual to the category of von Neumann correspondences from 𝓒' to 𝓑' via a functor that generalizes naturally the functor that sends a von Neumann algebra to its commutant and back. We show that under this duality, called commutant, Rieffel's Eilenberg-Watts theorem (on functors between the categories of representations of two von Neumann algebras) switches into Blecher's Eilenberg-Watts theorem (on functors...

Commutative neutrix convolution products of functions

Brian Fisher, Adem Kiliçman (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The commutative neutrix convolution product of the functions x r e - λ x and x s e + μ x is evaluated for r , s = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... and all λ , μ . Further commutative neutrix convolution products are then deduced.

Commutative, radical amenable Banach algebras

C. Read (2000)

Studia Mathematica

There has been a considerable search for radical, amenable Banach algebras. Noncommutative examples were finally found by Volker Runde [R]; here we present the first commutative examples. Centrally placed within the construction, the reader may be pleased to notice a reprise of the undergraduate argument that shows that a normed space with totally bounded unit ball is finite-dimensional; we use the same idea (approximate the norm 1 vector x within distance η by a “good” vector y 1 ; then approximate...

Commutativity criterions in locally m-convex algebras.

Aida Toma (2003)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper we define the notions of semicommutativity and semicommutativity modulo a linear subspace. We prove some results regarding the semicommutativity or semicommutativity modulo a linear subspace of a sequentially complete m-convex algebra. We show how such results can be applied in order to obtain commutativity criterions for locally m-convex algebras.

Commutators associated to a subfactor and its relative commutants

Hsiang-Ping Huang (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let N M be an inclusion of I I 1 factors with finite Jones index. Then M = ( N ' M ) [ N , M ] as a vector space. Here [ N , M ] denotes the vector space spanned by the commutators of the form [ a , b ] where a N , b M .

Commutators based on the Calderón reproducing formula

Krzysztof Nowak (1993)

Studia Mathematica

We prove the Schatten-Lorentz ideal criteria for commutators of multiplications and projections based on the Calderón reproducing formula and the decomposition theorem for the space of symbols corresponding to commutators in the Schatten ideal.

Commutators in Banach *-algebras

Bertram Yood (2008)

Studia Mathematica

The set of commutators in a Banach *-algebra A, with continuous involution, is examined. Applications are made to the case where A = B(ℓ₂), the algebra of all bounded linear operators on ℓ₂.

Commutators of quasinilpotents and invariant subspaces

A. Katavolos, C. Stamatopoulos (1998)

Studia Mathematica

It is proved that the set Q of quasinilpotent elements in a Banach algebra is an ideal, i.e. equal to the Jacobson radical, if (and only if) the condition [Q,Q] ⊆ Q (or a similar condition concerning anticommutators) holds. In fact, if the inner derivation defined by a quasinilpotent element p maps Q into itself then p ∈ Rad A. Higher commutator conditions of quasinilpotents are also studied. It is shown that if a Banach algebra satisfies such a condition, then every quasinilpotent element has some...

Commutators of the fractional maximal function on variable exponent Lebesgue spaces

Pu Zhang, Jianglong Wu (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let M β be the fractional maximal function. The commutator generated by M β and a suitable function b is defined by [ M β , b ] f = M β ( b f ) - b M β ( f ) . Denote by 𝒫 ( n ) the set of all measurable functions p ( · ) : n [ 1 , ) such that 1 < p - : = ess inf x n p ( x ) and p + : = ess sup x n p ( x ) < , and by ( n ) the set of all p ( · ) 𝒫 ( n ) such that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function M is bounded on L p ( · ) ( n ) . In this paper, the authors give some characterizations of b for which [ M β , b ] is bounded from L p ( · ) ( n ) into L q ( · ) ( n ) , when p ( · ) 𝒫 ( n ) , 0 < β < n / p + and 1 / q ( · ) = 1 / p ( · ) - β / n with q ( · ) ( n - β ) / n ( n ) .

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 880