Displaying 3941 – 3960 of 13205

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Finite-tight sets

Liviu Florescu (2007)

Open Mathematics

We introduce two notions of tightness for a set of measurable functions - the finite-tightness and the Jordan finite-tightness with the aim to extend certain compactness results (as biting lemma or Saadoune-Valadier’s theorem of stable compactness) to the unbounded case. These compactness conditions highlight their utility when we look for some alternatives to Rellich-Kondrachov theorem or relaxed lower semicontinuity of multiple integrals. Finite-tightness locates the great growths of a set of...

First order calculi with values in right-universal bimodules

Andrzej Borowiec, Vladislav Kharchenko, Zbigniew Oziewicz (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The purpose of this note is to show how calculi on unital associative algebra with universal right bimodule generalize previously studied constructions by Pusz and Woronowicz [1989] and by Wess and Zumino [1990] and that in this language results are in a natural context, are easier to describe and handle. As a by-product we obtain intrinsic, coordinate-free and basis-independent generalization of the first order noncommutative differential calculi with partial derivatives.

First results on spectrally bounded operators

M. Mathieu, G. J. Schick (2002)

Studia Mathematica

A linear mapping T from a subspace E of a Banach algebra into another Banach algebra is defined to be spectrally bounded if there is a constant M ≥ 0 such that r(Tx) ≤ Mr(x) for all x ∈ E, where r(·) denotes the spectral radius. We study some basic properties of this class of operators, which are sometimes analogous to, sometimes very different from, those of bounded operators between Banach spaces.

Fixed point free maps of a closed ball with small measures of noncompactness.

Martin Väth (2001)

Collectanea Mathematica

We show that in all infinite-dimensional normed spaces it is possible to construct a fixed point free continuous map of the unit ball whose measure of noncompactness is bounded by 2. Moreover, for a large class of spaces (containing separable spaces, Hilbert spaces and l-infinity (S)) even the best possible bound 1 is attained for certain measures of noncompactness.

Fixed point theorems for nonexpansive mappings in modular spaces

Poom Kumam (2004)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we extend several concepts from geometry of Banach spaces to modular spaces. With a careful generalization, we can cover all corresponding results in the former setting. Main result we prove says that if ρ is a convex, ρ -complete modular space satisfying the Fatou property and ρ r -uniformly convex for all r > 0 , C a convex, ρ -closed, ρ -bounded subset of X ρ , T : C C a ρ -nonexpansive mapping, then T has a fixed point.

Currently displaying 3941 – 3960 of 13205