Displaying 481 – 500 of 880

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Completions of normed algebras of differentiable functions

William J. Bland, Joel F. Feinstein (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We look at normed spaces of differentiable functions on compact plane sets, including the spaces of infinitely differentiable functions considered by Dales and Davie in [7]. For many compact plane sets the classical definitions give rise to incomplete spaces. We introduce an alternative definition of differentiability which allows us to describe the completions of these spaces. We also consider some associated problems of polynomial and rational approximation.

Complétude des noyaux reproduisants dans les espaces modèles

Emmanuel Fricain (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit ( λ n ) n 1 une suite de Blaschke du disque unité 𝔻 et Θ une fonction intérieure. On suppose que la suite de noyaux reproduisants k Θ ( z , λ n ) : = 1 - Θ ( λ n ) ¯ Θ ( z ) 1 - λ n ¯ z n 1 est complète dans l’espace modèle K Θ p : = H p Θ H 0 p ¯ , 1 < p < + . On étudie, dans un premier temps, la stabilité de cette propriété de complétude, à la fois sous l’effet de perturbations des fréquences ( λ n ) n 1 mais également sous l’effet de perturbations de la fonction Θ . On retrouve ainsi un certain nombre de résultats classiques sur les systèmes d’exponentielles. Puis, si on suppose de plus que la suite ...

Complex Banach spaces with Valdivia dual unit ball.

Ondrej F. K. Kalenda (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

We study the classes of complex Banach spaces with Valdivia dual unit ball. We give complex analogues of several theorems on real spaces. Further we study relationship of these complex Banach spaces with their real versions and that of real Banach spaces and their complexification. We also formulate several open problems.

Complex Convexity of Orlicz-Lorentz Spaces and its Applications

Changsun Choi, Anna Kamińska, Han Ju Lee (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We give sufficient and necessary conditions for complex extreme points of the unit ball of Orlicz-Lorentz spaces, as well as we find criteria for the complex rotundity and uniform complex rotundity of these spaces. As an application we show that the set of norm-attaining operators is dense in the space of bounded linear operators from d * ( w , 1 ) into d(w,1), where d * ( w , 1 ) is a predual of a complex Lorentz sequence space d(w,1), if and only if wi ∈ c₀∖ℓ₂.

Complex interpolation functors with a family of quasi-power function parameters

Ming Fan (1994)

Studia Mathematica

For the complex interpolation functors associated with derivatives of analytic functions, the Calderón fundamental inequality is formulated in both additive and multiplicative forms; discretization, reiteration, the Calderón-Lozanovskiĭ construction for Banach lattices, and the Aronszajn-Gagliardo construction concerning minimality and maximality are presented. These more general complex interpolation functors are closely connected with the real and other interpolation functors via function parameters...

Complex interpolation of function spaces with general weights

Douadi Drihem (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We present the complex interpolation of Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces with generalized smoothness. In some particular cases these function spaces are just weighted Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces. As a corollary of our results, we obtain the complex interpolation between the weighted Triebel–Lizorkin spaces F ˙ p 0 , q 0 s 0 ( ω 0 ) and F ˙ , q 1 s 1 ( ω 1 ) with suitable assumptions on the parameters s 0 , s 1 , p 0 , q 0 and q 1 , and the pair of weights ( ω 0 , ω 1 ) .

Complex rotundities and midpoint local uniform rotundity in symmetric spaces of measurable operators

Małgorzata Marta Czerwińska, Anna Kamińska (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the relationships between strongly extreme, complex extreme, and complex locally uniformly rotund points of the unit ball of a symmetric function space or a symmetric sequence space E, and of the unit ball of the space E(ℳ,τ) of τ-measurable operators associated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra (ℳ,τ) or of the unit ball in the unitary matrix space C E . We prove that strongly extreme, complex extreme, and complex locally uniformly rotund points x of the unit ball of the symmetric...

Complex tangential characterizations of Hardy-Sobolev spaces of holomorphic functions.

Sandrine Grellier (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Let Ω be a C∞-domain in Cn. It is well known that a holomorphic function on Ω behaves twice as well in complex tangential directions (see [GS] and [Kr] for instance). It follows from well known results (see [H], [RS]) that some converse is true for any kind of regular functions when Ω satisfies(P)    The real tangent space is generated by the Lie brackets of real and imaginary parts of complex tangent vectorsIn this paper we are interested in the behavior of holomorphic Hardy-Sobolev functions in...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 880