Displaying 41 – 60 of 73

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Vector valued measures of bounded mean oscillation.

Oscar Blasco (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The duality between H1 and BMO, the space of functions of bounded mean oscillation (see [JN]), was first proved by C. Fefferman (see [F], [FS]) and then other proofs of it were obtained.In this paper we shall study such space in little more detail and we shall consider the H1-BMO duality for vector-valued functions in the more general setting of spaces of homogeneous type (see [CW]).

Vector-valued holomorphic and harmonic functions

Wolfgang Arendt (2016)

Concrete Operators

Holomorphic and harmonic functions with values in a Banach space are investigated. Following an approach given in a joint article with Nikolski [4] it is shown that for bounded functions with values in a Banach space it suffices that the composition with functionals in a separating subspace of the dual space be holomorphic to deduce holomorphy. Another result is Vitali’s convergence theorem for holomorphic functions. The main novelty in the article is to prove analogous results for harmonic functions...

Vector-valued invariant means on spaces of bounded linear maps

Mahshid Dashti, Rasoul Nasr-Isfahani, Sima Soltani Renani (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let 𝓐 be a Banach algebra and let ℳ be a W*-algebra. For a homomorphism Φ from 𝓐 into ℳ, we introduce and study ℳ -valued invariant Φ-means on the space of bounded linear maps from 𝓐 into ℳ. We establish several characterizations of existence of an ℳ -valued invariant Φ-mean on B(𝓐,ℳ). We also study the relation between existence of an ℳ -valued invariant Φ-mean on B(𝓐,ℳ) and amenability of 𝓐. Finally, for a character ϕ of 𝓐, we give some descriptions for ϕ-amenability of 𝓐 in terms of ℳ...

Vector-valued sequence space B M C ( X ) and its properties

Qing-Ying Bu (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, a vector topology is introduced in the vector-valued sequence space BMC ( X ) and convergence of sequences and sequentially compact sets in BMC ( X ) are characterized.

Vector-valued wavelets and the Hardy space H¹(ℝⁿ,X)

Tuomas Hytönen (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We prove an analogue of Y. Meyer's wavelet characterization of the Hardy space H¹(ℝⁿ) for the space H¹(ℝⁿ,X) of X-valued functions. Here X is a Banach space with the UMD property. The proof uses results of T. Figiel on generalized Calderón-Zygmund operators on Bochner spaces and some new local estimates.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 73