Displaying 921 – 940 of 13204

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A topology on inequalities.

D'Aristotile, Anna Maria, Fiorenza, Alberto (2006)

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]

A transplantation theorem for ultraspherical polynomials at critical index

J. J. Guadalupe, V. I. Kolyada (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the behaviour of Fourier coefficients with respect to the system of ultraspherical polynomials. This leads us to the study of the “boundary” Lorentz space λ corresponding to the left endpoint of the mean convergence interval. The ultraspherical coefficients c ( λ ) ( f ) of λ -functions turn out to behave like the Fourier coefficients of functions in the real Hardy space ReH¹. Namely, we prove that for any f λ the series n = 1 c ( λ ) ( f ) c o s n θ is the Fourier series of some function φ ∈ ReH¹ with | | φ | | R e H ¹ c | | f | | λ .

A tutorial on conformal groups

Ian Porteous (1996)

Banach Center Publications

Our concern is with the group of conformal transformations of a finite-dimensional real quadratic space of signature (p,q), that is one that is isomorphic to p , q , the real vector space p + q , furnished with the quadratic form x ( 2 ) = x · x = - x 1 2 - x 2 2 - . . . - x p 2 + x p + 1 2 + . . . + x p + q 2 , and especially with a description of this group that involves Clifford algebras.

A two weight weak inequality for potential type operators

Vachtang Michailovič Kokilashvili, Jiří Rákosník (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We give conditions on pairs of weights which are necessary and sufficient for the operator T ( f ) = K * f to be a weak type mapping of one weighted Lorentz space in another one. The kernel K is an anisotropic radial decreasing function.

A two-stage stochastic optimization model for a gas sale retailer

F. Maggioni, Maria Teresa Vespucci, E. Allevi, Marida Bertocchi, M. Innorta (2008)


The paper deals with a new stochastic optimization model, named OMoGaS–SV (Optimization Modelling for Gas Seller–Stochastic Version), to assist companies dealing with gas retail commercialization. Stochasticity is due to the dependence of consumptions on temperature uncertainty. Due to nonlinearities present in the objective function, the model can be classified as an NLP mixed integer model, with the profit function depending on the number of contracts with the final consumers, the typology of...

A unified approach to the strong approximation property and the weak bounded approximation property of Banach spaces

Aleksei Lissitsin (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We consider convex versions of the strong approximation property and the weak bounded approximation property and develop a unified approach to their treatment introducing the inner and outer Λ-bounded approximation properties for a pair consisting of an operator ideal and a space ideal. We characterize this type of properties in a general setting and, using the isometric DFJP-factorization of operator ideals, provide a range of examples for this characterization, eventually answering a question...

A uniform boundedness principle of Pták

Charles W. Swartz (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Antosik-Mikusinski Matrix Theorem is used to give an extension of a uniform boundedness principle due to V. Pták to certain metric linear spaces. An application to bilinear operators is given.

A universal modulus for normed spaces

Carlos Benítez, Krzysztof Przesławski, David Yost (1998)

Studia Mathematica

We define a handy new modulus for normed spaces. More precisely, given any normed space X, we define in a canonical way a function ξ:[0,1)→ ℝ which depends only on the two-dimensional subspaces of X. We show that this function is strictly increasing and convex, and that its behaviour is intimately connected with the geometry of X. In particular, ξ tells us whether or not X is uniformly smooth, uniformly convex, uniformly non-square or an inner product space.

Currently displaying 921 – 940 of 13204