Displaying 181 – 200 of 1952

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On automatic boundedness of Nemytskiĭ set-valued operators

S. Rolewicz, Wen Song (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Let X, Y be two separable F-spaces. Let (Ω,Σ,μ) be a measure space with μ complete, non-atomic and σ-finite. Let N F be the Nemytskiĭ set-valued operator induced by a sup-measurable set-valued function F : Ω × X 2 Y . It is shown that if N F maps a modular space ( N ( L ( Ω , Σ , μ ; X ) ) , ϱ N , μ ) into subsets of a modular space ( M ( L ( Ω , Σ , μ ; Y ) ) , ϱ M , μ ) , then N F is automatically modular bounded, i.e. for each set K ⊂ N(L(Ω,Σ,μ;X)) such that r K = s u p ϱ N , μ ( x ) : x K < we have s u p ϱ M , μ ( y ) : y N F ( K ) < .

On automorphisms of the Banach space / c

Piotr Koszmider, Cristóbal Rodríguez-Porras (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate Banach space automorphisms T : / c / c focusing on the possibility of representing their fragments of the form T B , A : ( A ) / c ( A ) ( B ) / c ( B ) for A,B ⊆ ℕ infinite by means of linear operators from ( A ) into ( B ) , infinite A×B-matrices, continuous maps from B* = βB∖B into A*, or bijections from B to A. This leads to the analysis of general bounded linear operators on / c . We present many examples, introduce and investigate several classes of operators, for some of them we obtain satisfactory representations and for others give...

On Averaging Null Sequences of Real-Valued Functions

Kiriakouli, P. Ch. (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

If ξ is a countable ordinal and (fk) a sequence of real-valued functions we define the repeated averages of order ξ of (fk). By using a partition theorem of Nash-Williams for families of finite subsets of positive integers it is proved that if ξ is a countable ordinal then every sequence (fk) of real-valued functions has a subsequence (f'k) such that either every sequence of repeated averages of order ξ of (f'k) converges uniformly to zero or no sequence of repeated averages of order ξ of (f'k)...

On B r -completeness

Manuel Valdivia (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper it is proved that if { E n } n = 1 and { F n } n = 1 are two sequences of infinite-dimensional Banach spaces then H = n = 1 E n × n = 1 F n is not B r -complete. If { E n } n = 1 and { F n } n = 1 are also reflexive spaces there is on H a separated locally convex topology , coarser than the initial one, such that H [ ] is a bornological barrelled space which is not an inductive limit of Baire spaces. It is given also another results on B r -completeness and bornological spaces.

On Banach spaces C(K) isomorphic to c₀(Γ)

Witold Marciszewski (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We give a characterization of compact spaces K such that the Banach space C(K) is isomorphic to the space c₀(Γ) for some set Γ. As an application we show that there exists an Eberlein compact space K of weight ω ω and with the third derived set K ( 3 ) empty such that the space C(K) is not isomorphic to any c₀(Γ). For this compactum K, the spaces C(K) and c ( ω ω ) are examples of weakly compactly generated (WCG) Banach spaces which are Lipschitz isomorphic but not isomorphic.

On Banach spaces which are M-ideals in their biduals.

Juan Carlos Cabello Piñar (1990)

Extracta Mathematicae

A Banach space X is an M-ideal in its bidual if the relation ||f + w|| = ||f|| + ||w||holds for every f in X* and every w in X ⊥.The class of the Banach spaces which are M-ideals in their biduals, in short, the class of M-embedded spaces, has been carefully investigated, in particular by A. Lima, G. Godefroy and the West Berlin School. The spaces c0(I) -I any set- equipped with their canonical norm belong to this class, which also contains e.g. certain spaces K(E,F) of compact operators between...

On Bárány's theorems of Carathéodory and Helly type

Ehrhard Behrends (2000)

Studia Mathematica

The paper begins with a self-contained and short development of Bárány’s theorems of Carathéodory and Helly type in finite-dimensional spaces together with some new variants. In the second half the possible generalizations of these results to arbitrary Banach spaces are investigated. The Carathéodory-Bárány theorem has a counterpart in arbitrary dimensions under suitable uniform compactness or uniform boundedness conditions. The proper generalization of the Helly-Bárány theorem reads as follows:...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 1952