Displaying 161 – 180 of 203

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Topological classification of strong duals to nuclear (LF)-spaces

Taras Banakh (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the strong dual X’ to an infinite-dimensional nuclear (LF)-space is homeomorphic to one of the spaces: ω , , Q × , ω × , or ( ) ω , where = l i m n and Q = [ - 1 , 1 ] ω . In particular, the Schwartz space D’ of distributions is homeomorphic to ( ) ω . As a by-product of the proof we deduce that each infinite-dimensional locally convex space which is a direct limit of metrizable compacta is homeomorphic either to or to Q × . In particular, the strong dual to any metrizable infinite-dimensional Montel space is homeomorphic either...

Topological dual of non-locally convex Orlicz-Bochner spaces

Marian Nowak (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let L ϕ ( X ) be an Orlicz-Bochner space defined by an Orlicz function ϕ taking only finite values (not necessarily convex) over a σ -finite atomless measure space. It is proved that the topological dual L ϕ ( X ) * of L ϕ ( X ) can be represented in the form: L ϕ ( X ) * = L ϕ ( X ) n L ϕ ( X ) s , where L ϕ ( X ) n and L ϕ ( X ) s denote the order continuous dual and the singular dual of L ϕ ( X ) respectively. The spaces L ϕ ( X ) * , L ϕ ( X ) n and L ϕ ( X ) s are examined by means of the H. Nakano’s theory of conjugate modulars. (Studia Mathematica 31 (1968), 439–449). The well known results of the duality theory...

Topologies et bornologies nucléaires associées. Applications

Henri Hogbe-Nlend (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Le présent article est consacré à l’étude de la topologie nucléaire associée à une topologie localement convexe séparée arbitraire et ses applications. On utilise des techniques de Bornologie. On établit que tout espace ultra-bornologique, en particulier tout espace de Banach, est dual fort d’un espace nucléaire complet et on donne quelques applications de ce résultat. Nous montrons l’existence d’une large classe d’espaces nucléaires complets à bornés métrisables et à duals forts non nucléaires...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 203