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Strong topologies on vector-valued function spaces

Marian Nowak (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( X , · X ) be a real Banach space and let E be an ideal of L 0 over a σ -finite measure space ( Ø , Σ , μ ) . Let ( X ) be the space of all strongly Σ -measurable functions f Ø X such that the scalar function f ˜ , defined by f ˜ ( ø ) = f ( ø ) X for ø Ø , belongs to E . The paper deals with strong topologies on E ( X ) . In particular, the strong topology β ( E ( X ) , E ( X ) n ) ( E ( X ) n = the order continuous dual of E ( X ) ) is examined. We generalize earlier results of [PC] and [FPS] concerning the strong topologies.

Subgroups and hulls of Specker lattice-ordered groups

Paul F. Conrad, Michael R. Darnel (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this article, it will be shown that every -subgroup of a Specker -group has singular elements and that the class of -groups that are -subgroups of Specker -group form a torsion class. Methods of adjoining units and bases to Specker -groups are then studied with respect to the generalized Boolean algebra of singular elements, as is the strongly projectable hull of a Specker -group.

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