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The Banach space S is complementably minimal and subsequentially prime

G. Androulakis, T. Schlumprecht (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We first include a result of the second author showing that the Banach space S is complementably minimal. We then show that every block sequence of the unit vector basis of S has a subsequence which spans a space isomorphic to its square. By the Pełczyński decomposition method it follows that every basic sequence in S which spans a space complemented in S has a subsequence which spans a space isomorphic to S (i.e. S is a subsequentially prime space).

The classical subspaces of the projective tensor products of p and C(α) spaces, α < ω₁

Elói Medina Galego, Christian Samuel (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We completely determine the q and C(K) spaces which are isomorphic to a subspace of p ̂ π C ( α ) , the projective tensor product of the classical p space, 1 ≤ p < ∞, and the space C(α) of all scalar valued continuous functions defined on the interval of ordinal numbers [1,α], α < ω₁. In order to do this, we extend a result of A. Tong concerning diagonal block matrices representing operators from p to ℓ₁, 1 ≤ p < ∞. The first main theorem is an extension of a result of E. Oja and states that the only...

The cofinal property of the reflexive indecomposable Banach spaces

Spiros A. Argyros, Theocharis Raikoftsalis (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

It is shown that every separable reflexive Banach space is a quotient of a reflexive hereditarily indecomposable space, which yields that every separable reflexive Banach is isomorphic to a subspace of a reflexive indecomposable space. Furthermore, every separable reflexive Banach space is a quotient of a reflexive complementably p -saturated space with 1 &lt; p &lt; and of a c 0 saturated space.

The complemented subspace problem revisited

N. J. Kalton (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We show that if X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space in which every finite-dimensional subspace is λ-complemented with λ ≤ 2 then X is (1 + C√(λ-1))-isomorphic to a Hilbert space, where C is an absolute constant; this estimate (up to the constant C) is best possible. This answers a question of Kadets and Mityagin from 1973. We also investigate the finite-dimensional versions of the theorem.

The dual form of the approximation property for a Banach space and a subspace

T. Figiel, W. B. Johnson (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Given a Banach space X and a subspace Y, the pair (X,Y) is said to have the approximation property (AP) provided there is a net of finite rank bounded linear operators on X all of which leave the subspace Y invariant such that the net converges uniformly on compact subsets of X to the identity operator. In particular, if the pair (X,Y) has the AP then X, Y, and the quotient space X/Y have the classical Grothendieck AP. The main result is an easy to apply dual formulation of this property. Applications...

The Dual of a Non-reflexive L-embedded Banach Space Contains l Isometrically

Hermann Pfitzner (2010)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

A Banach space is said to be L-embedded if it is complemented in its bidual in such a way that the norm between the two complementary subspaces is additive. We prove that the dual of a non-reflexive L-embedded Banach space contains l isometrically.

The functor σ²X

Stevo Todorčević (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We disprove the existence of a universal object in several classes of spaces including the class of weakly Lindelöf Banach spaces.

The Gruenhage property, property *, fragmentability, and σ-isolated networks in generalized ordered spaces

Harold Bennett, David Lutzer (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We examine the Gruenhage property, property * (introduced by Orihuela, Smith, and Troyanski), fragmentability, and the existence of σ-isolated networks in the context of linearly ordered topological spaces (LOTS), generalized ordered spaces (GO-spaces), and monotonically normal spaces. We show that any monotonically normal space with property * or with a σ-isolated network must be hereditarily paracompact, so that property * and the Gruenhage property are equivalent in monotonically normal spaces....

The Maurey extension property for Banach spaces with the Gordon-Lewis property and related structures

P. G. Casazza, N. J. Nielsen (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The main result of this paper states that if a Banach space X has the property that every bounded operator from an arbitrary subspace of X into an arbitrary Banach space of cotype 2 extends to a bounded operator on X, then every operator from X to an L₁-space factors through a Hilbert space, or equivalently B ( , X * ) = Π ( , X * ) . If in addition X has the Gaussian average property, then it is of type 2. This implies that the same conclusion holds if X has the Gordon-Lewis property (in particular X could be a Banach...

The problem of complementability for some spaces of vector measures of bounded variation with values in Banach spaces containing copies of c 0

L. Drewnowski, G. Emmanuele (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Let (S, ∑, m) be any atomless finite measure space, and X any Banach space containing a copy of c 0 . Then the Bochner space L 1 ( m ; X ) is uncomplemented in ccabv(∑,m;X), the Banach space of all m-continuous vector measures that are of bounded variation and have a relatively compact range; and ccabv(∑,m;X) is uncomplemented in cabv(∑,m;X). It is conjectured that this should generalize to all Banach spaces X without the Radon-Nikodym property.

The Schroeder-Bernstein index for Banach spaces

Elói Medina Galego (2004)

Studia Mathematica

In relation to some Banach spaces recently constructed by W. T. Gowers and B. Maurey, we introduce the notion of Schroeder-Bernstein index SBi(X) for every Banach space X. This index is related to complemented subspaces of X which contain some complemented copy of X. Then we establish the existence of a Banach space E which is not isomorphic to Eⁿ for every n ∈ ℕ, n ≥ 2, but has a complemented subspace isomorphic to E². In particular, SBi(E) is uncountable. The construction of E follows the approach...

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