Displaying 41 – 60 of 495

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An indecomposable Banach space of continuous functions which has small density

Rogério Augusto dos Santos Fajardo (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Using the method of forcing we construct a model for ZFC where CH does not hold and where there exists a connected compact topological space K of weight ω < 2 ω such that every operator on the Banach space of continuous functions on K is multiplication by a continuous function plus a weakly compact operator. In particular, the Banach space of continuous functions on K is indecomposable.

Approximation par des opérateurs compacts ou faiblement compacts à valeurs dans C ( X )

Hicham Fakhoury (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient W = L ' ( μ ) et V = C ( X ) . Il existe une application (non linéaire) normiquement continue T P ( T ) de l’espace des opérateurs bornés de W dans V sur l’espace des opérateurs compacts (resp. faiblement compacts) de W dans V telle que T - P ( T ) coïncide avec la distance de T au sous-espace formé des opérateurs compacts (resp. faiblement compacts). Pour un opérateur donné T de W dans V on étudie les propriétés de l’ensemble K ( T ) (resp. F ( T ) ) des opérateurs compacts (resp. faiblement compacts) tel que pour tout R de K ( T ) (resp. K ( T ) ) la quantité...

Approximation problems and representations of Hardy spaces in circular domains

I. Chalendar, J. Partington (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We derive various approximation results in the theory of Hardy spaces on circular domains G. Two applications are given, one to operators which admit a nice representation of H ( G ) , and the other to extremal problems with links to the theory of differential equations.

Automorphisms of C commuting with partial integration operators in a rectangle

Svetlana Mincheva (2000)

Banach Center Publications

Convolutional representations of the commutant of the partial integration operators in the space of continuous functions in a rectangle are found. Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for two types of representing functions, to be the operators in the commutant continuous automorphisms. It is shown that these conditions are equivalent to the requirement that the considered representing functions be joint cyclic elements of the partial integration operators.

Banach space properties of strongly tight uniform algebras

Scott Saccone (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We use the work of J. Bourgain to show that some uniform algebras of analytic functions have certain Banach space properties. If X is a Banach space, we say X is strongif X and X* have the Dunford-Pettis property, X has the Pełczyński property, and X* is weakly sequentially complete. Bourgain has shown that the ball-algebras and the polydisk-algebras are strong Banach spaces. Using Bourgain’s methods, Cima and Timoney have shown that if K is a compact planar set and A is R(K) or A(K), then A and...

Banach spaces

Laurent Gruson, Marius van der Put (1974)

Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France

Banach spaces in which all multilinear forms are weakly sequentially continuous

Jesús Castillo, Ricardo García, Raquel Gonzalo (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We solve several problems in the theory of polynomials in Banach spaces. (i) There exist Banach spaces without the Dunford-Pettis property and without upper p-estimates in which all multilinear forms are weakly sequentially continuous: some Lorentz sequence spaces, their natural preduals and, most notably, the dual of Schreier's space. (ii) There exist Banach spaces X without the Dunford-Pettis property such that all multilinear forms on X and X* are weakly sequentially continuous; this gives an...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 495