Displaying 321 – 340 of 496

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On weak sequential convergence in JB*-triple duals

Leslie J. Bunce, Antonio M. Peralta (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We study various Banach space properties of the dual space E* of a homogeneous Banach space (alias, a JB*-triple) E. For example, if all primitive M-ideals of E are maximal, we show that E* has the Alternative Dunford-Pettis property (respectively, the Kadec-Klee property) if and only if all biholomorphic automorphisms of the open unit ball of E are sequentially weakly continuous (respectively, weakly continuous). Those E for which E* has the weak* Kadec-Klee property are characterised by a compactness...

Open projections in operator algebras I: Comparison theory

David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We begin a program of generalizing basic elements of the theory of comparison, equivalence, and subequivalence, of elements in C*-algebras, to the setting of more general algebras. In particular, we follow the recent lead of Lin, Ortega, Rørdam, and Thiel of studying these equivalences, etc., in terms of open projections or module isomorphisms. We also define and characterize a new class of inner ideals in operator algebras, and develop a matching theory of open partial isometries in operator ideals...

Open projections in operator algebras II: Compact projections

David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We generalize some aspects of the theory of compact projections relative to a C*-algebra, to the setting of more general algebras. Our main result is that compact projections are the decreasing limits of 'peak projections', and in the separable case compact projections are just the peak projections. We also establish new forms of the noncommutative Urysohn lemma relative to an operator algebra, and we show that a projection is compact iff the associated face in the state space of the algebra is...

Operator algebras

T. K. Carne (1979/1980)

Séminaire Analyse fonctionnelle (dit "Maurey-Schwartz")

Operator entropy inequalities

M. S. Moslehian, F. Mirzapour, A. Morassaei (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We investigate a notion of relative operator entropy, which develops the theory started by J. I. Fujii and E. Kamei [Math. Japonica 34 (1989), 341-348]. For two finite sequences A = (A₁,...,Aₙ) and B = (B₁,...,Bₙ) of positive operators acting on a Hilbert space, a real number q and an operator monotone function f we extend the concept of entropy by setting S q f ( A | B ) : = j = 1 n A j 1 / 2 ( A j - 1 / 2 B j A j - 1 / 2 ) q f ( A j - 1 / 2 B j A j - 1 / 2 ) A j 1 / 2 , and then give upper and lower bounds for S q f ( A | B ) as an extension of an inequality due to T. Furuta [Linear Algebra Appl. 381 (2004), 219-235] under...

Parabolic variational inequalities with generalized reflecting directions

Eduard Rotenstein (2015)

Open Mathematics

We study, in a Hilbert framework, some abstract parabolic variational inequalities, governed by reflecting subgradients with multiplicative perturbation, of the following type: y´(t)+ Ay(t)+0.t Θ(t,y(t)) ∂φ(y(t))∋f(t,y(t)),y(0) = y0,t ∈[0,T] where A is a linear self-adjoint operator, ∂φ is the subdifferential operator of a proper lower semicontinuous convex function φ defined on a suitable Hilbert space, and Θ is the perturbing term which acts on the set of reflecting directions, destroying the...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 496