Displaying 2061 – 2080 of 11135

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Complétude des noyaux reproduisants dans les espaces modèles

Emmanuel Fricain (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit ( λ n ) n 1 une suite de Blaschke du disque unité 𝔻 et Θ une fonction intérieure. On suppose que la suite de noyaux reproduisants k Θ ( z , λ n ) : = 1 - Θ ( λ n ) ¯ Θ ( z ) 1 - λ n ¯ z n 1 est complète dans l’espace modèle K Θ p : = H p Θ H 0 p ¯ , 1 < p < + . On étudie, dans un premier temps, la stabilité de cette propriété de complétude, à la fois sous l’effet de perturbations des fréquences ( λ n ) n 1 mais également sous l’effet de perturbations de la fonction Θ . On retrouve ainsi un certain nombre de résultats classiques sur les systèmes d’exponentielles. Puis, si on suppose de plus que la suite ...

Complex rotundities and midpoint local uniform rotundity in symmetric spaces of measurable operators

Małgorzata Marta Czerwińska, Anna Kamińska (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the relationships between strongly extreme, complex extreme, and complex locally uniformly rotund points of the unit ball of a symmetric function space or a symmetric sequence space E, and of the unit ball of the space E(ℳ,τ) of τ-measurable operators associated to a semifinite von Neumann algebra (ℳ,τ) or of the unit ball in the unitary matrix space C E . We prove that strongly extreme, complex extreme, and complex locally uniformly rotund points x of the unit ball of the symmetric...

Complex symmetric weighted composition operators on the Hardy space

Cao Jiang, Shi-An Han, Ze-Hua Zhou (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper identifies a class of complex symmetric weighted composition operators on H 2 ( 𝔻 ) that includes both the unitary and the Hermitian weighted composition operators, as well as a class of normal weighted composition operators identified by Bourdon and Narayan. A characterization of algebraic weighted composition operators with degree no more than two is provided to illustrate that the weight function of a complex symmetric weighted composition operator is not necessarily linear fractional.

Complex symmetry of Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman spaces

Xiao-He Hu (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give a concrete description of complex symmetric monomial Toeplitz operators T z p z ¯ q on the weighted Bergman space A 2 ( Ω ) , where Ω denotes the unit ball or the unit polydisk. We provide a necessary condition for T z p z ¯ q to be complex symmetric. When p , q 2 , we prove that T z p z ¯ q is complex symmetric on A 2 ( Ω ) if and only if p 1 = q 2 and p 2 = q 1 . Moreover, we completely characterize when monomial Toeplitz operators T z p z ¯ q on A 2 ( 𝔻 n ) are J U -symmetric with the n × n symmetric unitary matrix U .

Complexifications of real Banach spaces, polynomials and multilinear maps

Gustavo Muñoz, Yannis Sarantopoulos, Andrew Tonge (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We give a unified treatment of procedures for complexifying real Banach spaces. These include several approaches used in the past. We obtain best possible results for comparison of the norms of real polynomials and multilinear mappings with the norms of their complex extensions. These estimates provide generalizations and show sharpness of previously obtained inequalities.

Currently displaying 2061 – 2080 of 11135