Displaying 201 – 220 of 334

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More classes of non-orbit-transitive operators

Carl Pearcy, Lidia Smith (2010)

Studia Mathematica

In [JKP] and its sequel [FPS] the authors initiated a program whose (announced) goal is to eventually show that no operator in ℒ(ℋ) is orbit-transitive. In [JKP] it is shown, for example, that if T ∈ ℒ(ℋ) and the essential (Calkin) norm of T is equal to its essential spectral radius, then no compact perturbation of T is orbit-transitive, and in [FPS] this result is extended to say that no element of this same class of operators is weakly orbit-transitive. In the present note we show that no compact...

Moser's Inequality for a class of integral operators

Finbarr Holland, David Walsh (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Let 1 < p < ∞, q = p/(p-1) and for f L p ( 0 , ) define F ( x ) = ( 1 / x ) ʃ 0 x f ( t ) d t , x > 0. Moser’s Inequality states that there is a constant C p such that s u p a 1 s u p f B p ʃ 0 e x p [ a x q | F ( x ) | q - x ] d x = C p where B p is the unit ball of L p . Moreover, the value a = 1 is sharp. We observe that F = K 1 f where the integral operator K 1 has a simple kernel K. We consider the question of for what kernels K(t,x), 0 ≤ t, x < ∞, this result can be extended, and proceed to discuss this when K is non-negative and homogeneous of degree -1. A sufficient condition on K is found for the analogue...

Most random walks on nilpotent groups are mixing

R. Rębowski (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let G be a second countable locally compact nilpotent group. It is shown that for every norm completely mixing (n.c.m.) random walk μ, αμ + (1-α)ν is n.c.m. for 0 < α ≤ 1, ν ∈ P(G). In particular, a generic stochastic convolution operator on G is n.c.m.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 334