Displaying 321 – 340 of 376

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Frequently hypercyclic translation semigroups

Elisabetta M. Mangino, Marina Murillo-Arcila (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Frequent hypercyclicity for translation C₀-semigroups on weighted spaces of continuous functions is studied. The results are achieved by establishing an analogy between frequent hypercyclicity for translation semigroups and for weighted pseudo-shifts and by characterizing frequently hypercyclic weighted pseudo-shifts on spaces of vanishing sequences. Frequently hypercyclic translation semigroups on weighted L p -spaces are also characterized.

Friedrichs extension of operators defined by linear Hamiltonian systems on unbounded interval

Roman Šimon Hilscher, Petr Zemánek (2010)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper we consider a linear operator on an unbounded interval associated with a matrix linear Hamiltonian system. We characterize its Friedrichs extension in terms of the recessive system of solutions at infinity. This generalizes a similar result obtained by Marletta and Zettl for linear operators defined by even order Sturm-Liouville differential equations.

From convergence of operator semigroups to gene expression, and back again

Adam Bobrowski (2008)

Banach Center Publications

The subject of the paper is reciprocal influence of pure mathematics and applied sciences. We illustrate the idea by giving a review of mathematical results obtained recently, related to the model of stochastic gene expression due to Lipniacki et al. [38]. In this model, featuring mRNA and protein levels, and gene activity, the stochastic part of processes involved in gene expression is distinguished from the part that seems to be mostly deterministic, and the dynamics is expressed by means of a...

From geometry to invertibility preservers

Hans Havlicek, Peter Šemrl (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize bijections on matrix spaces (operator algebras) preserving full rank (invertibility) of differences of matrix (operator) pairs in both directions.

From restricted type to strong type estimates on quasi-Banach rearrangement invariant spaces

María Carro, Leonardo Colzani, Gord Sinnamon (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a quasi-Banach rearrangement invariant space and let T be an (ε,δ)-atomic operator for which a restricted type estimate of the form T χ E X D ( | E | ) for some positive function D and every measurable set E is known. We show that this estimate can be extended to the set of all positive functions f ∈ L¹ such that | | f | | 1 , in the sense that T f X D ( | | f | | ) . This inequality allows us to obtain strong type estimates for T on several classes of spaces as soon as some information about the galb of the space X is known. In this paper...

Fuglede-Putnam theorem for class A operators

Salah Mecheri (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let A ∈ B(H) and B ∈ B(K). We say that A and B satisfy the Fuglede-Putnam theorem if AX = XB for some X ∈ B(K,H) implies A*X = XB*. Patel et al. (2006) showed that the Fuglede-Putnam theorem holds for class A(s,t) operators with s + t < 1 and they mentioned that the case s = t = 1 is still an open problem. In the present article we give a partial positive answer to this problem. We show that if A ∈ B(H) is a class A operator with reducing kernel and B* ∈ B(K) is a class 𝓨 operator, and AX =...

Fuglede-type decompositions of representations

Marek Kosiek (2002)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that reducing bands of measures yield decompositions not only of an operator representation itself, but also of its commutant. This has many consequences for commuting Hilbert space representations and for commuting operators on Hilbert spaces. Among other things, it enables one to construct a Lebesgue-type decomposition of several commuting contractions without assuming any von Neumann-type inequality.

Fully absolutely summing and Hilbert-Schmidt multilinear mappings.

Mário C. Matos (2003)

Collectanea Mathematica

The space of the fully absolutely (r;r1,...,rn)-summing n-linear mappings between Banach spaces is introduced along with a natural (quasi-)norm on it. If r,rk C [1,+infinite], k=1,...,n, this space is characterized as the topological dual of a space of virtually nuclear mappings. Other examples and properties are considered and a relationship with a topological tensor product is stablished. For Hilbert spaces and r = r1 = ... = rn C [2,+infinite[ this space is isomorphic to the space of the Hilbert-Schmidt...

Fully representable and *-semisimple topological partial *-algebras

J.-P. Antoine, G. Bellomonte, C. Trapani (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We continue our study of topological partial *-algebras, focusing our attention on *-semisimple partial *-algebras, that is, those that possess a multiplication core and sufficiently many *-representations. We discuss the respective roles of invariant positive sesquilinear (ips) forms and representable continuous linear functionals, and focus on the case where the two notions are completely interchangeable (fully representable partial *-algebras) with the aim of characterizing a *-semisimple partial...

Fully summing mappings between Banach spaces

Mário C. Matos, Daniel M. Pellegrino (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce and investigate the non-n-linear concept of fully summing mappings; if n = 1 this concept coincides with the notion of nonlinear absolutely summing mappings and in this sense this article unifies these two theories. We also introduce a non-n-linear definition of Hilbert-Schmidt mappings and sketch connections between this concept and fully summing mappings.

Function theory in sectors

Brian Jefferies (2004)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence between uniformly bounded holomorphic functions of n complex variables in sectors of ℂⁿ, and uniformly bounded functions of n+1 real variables in sectors of n + 1 that are monogenic functions in the sense of Clifford analysis. The result is applied to the construction of functional calculi for n commuting operators, including the example of differentiation operators on a Lipschitz surface in n + 1 .

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 376