Paramétrix pour un problème de Cauchy hyperbolique à multiplicité variable
Let E be a Banach space. We consider a Cauchy problem of the type ⎧ in , ⎨ ⎩ in , j=0,...,k-1, where each is a given continuous linear operator from E into itself. We prove that if the operators are nilpotent and pairwise commuting, then the problem is well-posed in the space of all functions whose derivatives are equi-bounded on each bounded subset of .
In this article, we aim to prove the characterization of differentiation by means of partial differentiation for vector-valued functions on n-dimensional real normed linear spaces (refer to [15] and [16]).
In this paper, we introduce the concept of partial fuzzy metric on a nonempty set and give the topological structure and some properties of partial fuzzy metric space. Then some fixed point results are provided.
Let A be a semisimple Banach algebra with a linear automorphism σ and let δ: I → A be a σ-derivation, where I is an ideal of A. Then Φ(δ)(I ∩ σ(I)) = 0, where Φ(δ) is the separating space of δ. As a consequence, if I is an essential ideal then the σ-derivation δ is closable. In a prime C*-algebra, we show that every σ-derivation defined on a nonzero ideal is continuous. Finally, any linear map on a prime semisimple Banach algebra with nontrivial idempotents is continuous if it satisfies the σ-derivation...
Further extension of the Levinson transformation theory is performed for partially dissipative periodic processes via the fixed point index. Thus, for example, the periodic problem for differential inclusions can be treated by means of the multivalued Poincaré translation operator. In a certain case, the well-known Ważewski principle can also be generalized in this way, because no transversality is required on the boundary.
This paper is devoted to the numerical solution of stationary laminar Bingham fluids by path-following methods. By using duality theory, a system that characterizes the solution of the original problem is derived. Since this system is ill-posed, a family of regularized problems is obtained and the convergence of the regularized solutions to the original one is proved. For the update of the regularization parameter, a path-following method is investigated. Based on the differentiability properties...
This paper is devoted to the numerical solution of stationary laminar Bingham fluids by path-following methods. By using duality theory, a system that characterizes the solution of the original problem is derived. Since this system is ill-posed, a family of regularized problems is obtained and the convergence of the regularized solutions to the original one is proved. For the update of the regularization parameter, a path-following method is investigated. Based on the differentiability properties...
We study a reaction-diffusion equation with an integral term describing nonlocal consumption of resources in population dynamics. We show that a homogeneous equilibrium can lose its stability resulting in appearance of stationary spatial structures. They can be related to the emergence of biological species due to the intra-specific competition and random mutations. Various types of travelling waves are observed.
In this article we tackle the problem of inverse non linear ill-posed problems from a statistical point of view. We discuss the problem of estimating an indirectly observed function, without prior knowledge of its regularity, based on noisy observations. For this we consider two approaches: one based on the Tikhonov regularization procedure, and another one based on model selection methods for both ordered and non ordered subsets. In each case we prove consistency of the estimators and show...