Displaying 381 – 400 of 727

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Composition operators and the Hilbert matrix

E. Diamantopoulos, Aristomenis Siskakis (2000)

Studia Mathematica

The Hilbert matrix acts on Hardy spaces by multiplication with Taylor coefficients. We find an upper bound for the norm of the induced operator.

Composition operators in the Dirichlet series setting

Hervé Queffélec (2007)

Banach Center Publications

In this work, we begin with a survey of composition operators on the Hardy space H² and on the Wiener algebra A⁺ of absolutely convergent Taylor series, with special emphasis on their compactness, or invertibility, or isometric character. The main results are due respectively to J. Shapiro and D.~Newman. In a second part, we present more recent results, due to Gordon and Hedenmalm on the one hand, and to Bayart, the author et al. on the other hand, concerning the analogues of H² and A⁺ in the setting...

Composition operators: N α to the Bloch space to Q β

Jie Xiao (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let N α ,B and Qβ be the weighted Nevanlinna space, the Bloch space and the Q space, respectively. Note that B and Q β are Möbius invariant, but N α is not. We characterize, in function-theoretic terms, when the composition operator C ϕ f = f ϕ induced by an analytic self-map ϕ of the unit disk defines an operator C ϕ : N α B , B Q β , N α Q β which is bounded resp. compact.

Composition operators on Banach spaces of formal power series

B. Yousefi, S. Jahedi (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let β n n = 0 be a sequence of positive numbers and 1 p < . We consider the space H p β of all power series f z = n = 0 f n z n such that n = 0 f n p β n p < . Suppose that 1 p + 1 q = 1 and n = 1 n q j β n q = for some nonnegative integer j . We show that if C φ is compact on H p β , then the non-tangential limit of φ j + 1 has modulus greater than one at each boundary point of the open unit disc. Also we show that if C φ is Fredholm on H p β , then φ must be an automorphism of the open unit disc.

Composition operators on W 1 X are necessarily induced by quasiconformal mappings

Luděk Kleprlík (2014)

Open Mathematics

Let Ω ⊂ ℝn be an open set and X(Ω) be any rearrangement invariant function space close to L q(Ω), i.e. X has the q-scaling property. We prove that each homeomorphism f which induces the composition operator u ↦ u ℴ f from W 1 X to W 1 X is necessarily a q-quasiconformal mapping. We also give some new results for the sufficiency of this condition for the composition operator.

Composition results for strongly summing and dominated multilinear operators

Dumitru Popa (2014)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we prove some composition results for strongly summing and dominated operators. As an application we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a multilinear tensor product of multilinear operators to be strongly summing or dominated. Moreover, we show the failure of some possible n-linear versions of Grothendieck’s composition theorem in the case n ≥ 2 and give a new example of a 1-dominated, hence strongly 1-summing bilinear operator which is not weakly compact.

Compressible operators and the continuity of homomorphisms from algebras of operators

G. Willis (1995)

Studia Mathematica

The notion of a compressible operator on a Banach space, E, derives from automatic continuity arguments. It is related to the notion of a cartesian Banach space. The compressible operators on E form an ideal in ℬ(E) and the automatic continuity proofs depend on showing that this ideal is large. In particular, it is shown that each weakly compact operator on the James' space, J, is compressible, whence it follows that all homomorphisms from ℬ(J) are continuous.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 727