Displaying 421 – 440 of 727

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Conditions ensuring T-1(Y) ⊂ Y.

Dagmar Medková (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

The following theorem is the main result of the paper: Let X be a complex Banach space and T belong to L(X). Suppose that 0 lies at the unbounded component of the set of those l such that lI - T is a Fredholm operator. Let Y be a dense subspace of the dual space X' and S be a closed operator from Y to X such that T'(Y) is contained in Y and TSy = ST'y for every y belonging to Y. Then for every vector x belonging to X', T'x belongs to Y if and only if x belongs to Y.

Conditions equivalent to C* independence

Shuilin Jin, Li Xu, Qinghua Jiang, Li Li (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let and be mutually commuting unital C* subalgebras of (). It is shown that and are C* independent if and only if for all natural numbers n, m, for all n-tuples A = (A₁, ..., Aₙ) of doubly commuting nonzero operators of and m-tuples B = (B₁, ..., Bₘ) of doubly commuting nonzero operators of , S p ( A , B ) = S p ( A ) × S p ( B ) , where Sp denotes the joint Taylor spectrum.

Conical measures and properties of a vector measure determined by its range

L. Rodríguez-Piazza, M. Romero-Moreno (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize some properties of a vector measure in terms of its associated Kluvánek conical measure. These characterizations are used to prove that the range of a vector measure determines these properties. So we give new proofs of the fact that the range determines the total variation, the σ-finiteness of the variation and the Bochner derivability, and we show that it also determines the (p,q)-summing and p-nuclear norm of the integration operator. Finally, we show that Pettis derivability...

Conjugacies between ergodic transformations and their inverses

Geoffrey Goodson (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study certain symmetries that arise when automorphisms S and T defined on a Lebesgue probability space (X, ℱ, μ) satisfy the equation S T = T - 1 S . In an earlier paper [6] it was shown that this puts certain constraints on the spectrum of T. Here we show that it also forces constraints on the spectrum of S 2 . In particular, S 2 has to have a multiplicity function which only takes even values on the orthogonal complement of the subspace f L 2 ( X , , μ ) : f ( T 2 x ) = f ( x ) . For S and T ergodic satisfying this equation further constraints arise,...

Conley index in Hilbert spaces and a problem of Angenent and van der Vorst

Marek Izydorek, Krzysztof P. Rybakowski (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In a recent paper [9] we presented a Galerkin-type Conley index theory for certain classes of infinite-dimensional ODEs without the uniqueness property of the Cauchy problem. In this paper we show how to apply this theory to strongly indefinite elliptic systems. More specifically, we study the elliptic system - Δ u = v H ( u , v , x ) in Ω, - Δ v = u H ( u , v , x ) in Ω, u = 0, v = 0 in ∂Ω, (A1) on a smooth bounded domain Ω in N for "-"-type Hamiltonians H of class C² satisfying subcritical growth assumptions on their first order derivatives....

Connections between some measures of non-compactness and associated operators.

José M. Ayerbe Toledano, Tomás Domínguez Benavides, Genaro López Acedo (1990)

Extracta Mathematicae

Some relationships between the Kuratowski's measure of noncompactness, the ball measure of noncompactness and the δ-separation of the points of a set are studied in special classes of Banach spaces. These relations are applied to compare operators which are contractive for these measures.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 727