Displaying 5821 – 5840 of 11136

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On interpolation of tensor products of Banach spaces.

Andreas Defant, Mieczyslaw Mastylo, Carsten Michels (2003)


For the complex interpolation method, Kouba proved an important interpolation formula for tensor products of Banach spaces. We give a partial extension of this formula in the injective case for the Gustavsson?Peetre method of interpolation within the setting of Banach function spaces.

On invariant elements for positive operators.

R. Zaharopol (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

In the paper we study the existence of nonzero positive invariant elements for positive operators in Riesz spaces. The class of Riesz spaces for which the results are valid is large enough to contain all the Banach lattices with order continuous norms. All the results obtained in earlier works deal with positive operators in KB-spaces and in many of them the approach is based upon the use of Banach limits. The methods created for KB-spaces cannot be extended to our more general setting; that is...

On invariant measures for power bounded positive operators

Ryotaro Sato (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We give a counterexample showing that ( I - T * ) L ¯ L + = 0 does not imply the existence of a strictly positive function u in L 1 with Tu = u, where T is a power bounded positive linear operator on L 1 of a σ-finite measure space. This settles a conjecture by Brunel, Horowitz, and Lin.

On invariant subspaces for polynomially bounded operators

Junfeng Liu (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We discuss the invariant subspace problem of polynomially bounded operators on a Banach space and obtain an invariant subspace theorem for polynomially bounded operators. At the same time, we state two open problems, which are relative propositions of this invariant subspace theorem. By means of the two relative propositions (if they are true), together with the result of this paper and the result of C. Ambrozie and V. Müller (2004) one can obtain an important conclusion that every polynomially...

On inverses of δ -convex mappings

Jakub Duda (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In the first part of this paper, we prove that in a sense the class of bi-Lipschitz δ -convex mappings, whose inverses are locally δ -convex, is stable under finite-dimensional δ -convex perturbations. In the second part, we construct two δ -convex mappings from 1 onto 1 , which are both bi-Lipschitz and their inverses are nowhere locally δ -convex. The second mapping, whose construction is more complicated, has an invertible strict derivative at 0 . These mappings show that for (locally) δ -convex mappings...

On Ishlinskij's model for non-perfectly elastic bodies

Pavel Krejčí (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

The main goal of the paper is to formulate some new properties of the Ishlinskii hysteresis operator F , which characterizes e.g. the relation between the deformation and the stress in a non-perfectly elastic (elastico-plastic) material. We introduce two energy functionals and derive the energy inequalities. As an example we investigate the equation u ' ' + F ( u ) = 0 describing the motion of a mass point at the extremity of an elastico-plastic spring.

On isomorphisms of some Köthe function F-spaces

Violetta Kholomenyuk, Volodymyr Mykhaylyuk, Mikhail Popov (2011)

Open Mathematics

We prove that if Köthe F-spaces X and Y on finite atomless measure spaces (ΩX; ΣX, µX) and (ΩY; ΣY; µY), respectively, with absolute continuous norms are isomorphic and have the property lim μ ( A ) 0 μ ( A ) - 1 1 A = 0 (for µ = µX and µ = µY, respectively) then the measure spaces (ΩX; ΣX; µX) and (ΩY; ΣY; µY) are isomorphic, up to some positive multiples. This theorem extends a result of A. Plichko and M. Popov concerning isomorphic classification of L p(µ)-spaces for 0 < p < 1. We also provide a new class of F-spaces...

On isomorphisms of standard operator algebras

Lajos Molnár (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We show that between standard operator algebras every bijective map with a certain multiplicativity property related to Jordan triple isomorphisms of associative rings is automatically additive.

On iterates of strong Feller operators on ordered phase spaces

Wojciech Bartoszek (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let (X,d) be a metric space where all closed balls are compact, with a fixed σ-finite Borel measure μ. Assume further that X is endowed with a linear order ⪯. Given a Markov (regular) operator P: L¹(μ) → L¹(μ) we discuss the asymptotic behaviour of the iterates Pⁿ. The paper deals with operators P which are Feller and such that the μ-absolutely continuous parts of the transition probabilities P ( x , · ) x X are continuous with respect to x. Under some concentration assumptions on the asymptotic transition probabilities...

Currently displaying 5821 – 5840 of 11136