Impulsive dynamic equations on a time scale.
In this paper, we consider a class of infinite dimensional stochastic impulsive evolution inclusions. We prove existence of solutions and study properties of the solution set. It is also indicated how these results can be used in the study of control systems driven by vector measures.
In this paper we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of mild solutions and extremal mild solutions for some densely defined impulsive semilinear neutral functional differential inclusions in separable Banach spaces. We rely on a fixed point theorem for the sum of completely continuous and contraction operators.
Completeness of a dilation system on the standard Lebesgue space is considered for 2-periodic functions . We show that the problem is equivalent to an open question on cyclic vectors of the Hardy space on the Hilbert multidisc . Several simple sufficient conditions are exhibited, which include however practically all previously known results (Wintner; Kozlov; Neuwirth, Ginsberg, and Newman; Hedenmalm, Lindquist, and Seip). For instance, each of the following conditions implies cyclicity...
In this paper, we begin the study of the phenomenon of the “invisible spectrum” for commutative Banach algebras. Function algebras, formal power series and operator algebras will be considered. A quantitative treatment of the famous Wiener-Pitt-Sreider phenomenon for measure algebras on locally compact abelian (LCA) groups is given. Also, our approach includes efficient sharp estimates for resolvents and solutions of higher Bezout equations in terms of their spectral bounds. The smallest “spectral...
In an earlier paper [5] a method for eigenvalue inclussion using a Gerschgorin type theory originating from Donnelly [2] was applied to the plane Orr-Sommerfeld problem in the case of a pure Poiseuile flow. In this paper the same method will be used to deal Poiseuile and Couette flow. Potter [6] has treated this case before with an approximative method.
We prove convergence results for `increasing' sequences of sectorial forms. We treat both the case of closed forms and the case of non-closable forms.
Quantized contact transformations are Toeplitz operators over a contact manifold of the form , where is a Szegö projector, where is a contact transformation and where is a pseudodifferential operator over . They provide a flexible alternative to the Kähler quantization of symplectic maps, and encompass many of the examples in the physics literature, e.g. quantized cat maps and kicked rotors. The index problem is to determine when the principal symbol is unitary, or equivalently to determine...
Nous désirons savoir si l’opérateur différentiel d’ordre , où est une matrice à coefficients rationnels, a un indice dans l’espace des fonctions analytiques dans une boule; dans le cas où cet indice existe nous voulons aussi le calculer. Dans le cas où nous montrons l’existence d’un indice (si l’exposant de l’opérateur n’est pas Liouville -adique) et nous montrons comment calculer cet indice. De même nous savons montrer l’existence d’un indice et comment calculer cet indice lorsque le système...