Displaying 901 – 920 of 1121

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Strong mixing Markov semigroups on C₁ are meager

Wojciech Bartoszek, Beata Kuna (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that the set of those Markov semigroups on the Schatten class ₁ such that in the strong operator topology l i m t T ( t ) = Q , where Q is a one-dimensional projection, form a meager subset of all Markov semigroups.

Strong q -variation inequalities for analytic semigroups

Christian Le Merdy, Quanhua Xu (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let T : L p ( Ω ) L p ( Ω ) be a positive contraction, with 1 < p < . Assume that T is analytic, that is, there exists a constant K 0 such that T n - T n - 1 K / n for any integer n 1 . Let 2 < q < and let v q be the space of all complex sequences with a finite strong q -variation. We show that for any x L p ( Ω ) , the sequence [ T n ( x ) ] ( λ ) n 0 belongs to v q for almost every λ Ω , with an estimate ( T n ( x ) ) n 0 L p ( v q ) C x p . If we remove the analyticity assumption, we obtain an estimate ( M n ( T ) x ) n 0 L p ( v q ) C x p , where M n ( T ) = ( n + 1 ) - 1 k = 0 n T k denotes the ergodic average of T . We also obtain similar results for strongly continuous semigroups ( T t ) t 0 of positive...

Strong stabilization of controlled vibrating systems

Jean-François Couchouron (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper deals with feedback stabilization of second order equations of the form ytt + A0y + u (t) B0y (t) = 0, t ∈ [0, +∞[, where A0 is a densely defined positive selfadjoint linear operator on a real Hilbert space H, with compact inverse and B0 is a linear map in diagonal form. It is proved here that the classical sufficient ad-condition of Jurdjevic-Quinn and Ball-Slemrod with the feedback control u = ⟨yt, B0y⟩H implies the strong stabilization. This result is derived from a general compactness...

Strong stabilization of controlled vibrating systems

Jean-François Couchouron (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper deals with feedback stabilization of second order equations of the form ytt + A0y + u (t) B0y (t) = 0, t ∈ [0, +∞[, where A0 is a densely defined positive selfadjoint linear operator on a real Hilbert space H, with compact inverse and B0 is a linear map in diagonal form. It is proved here that the classical sufficient ad-condition of Jurdjevic-Quinn and Ball-Slemrod with the feedback control u = ⟨yt, B0y⟩H implies the strong stabilization. This result is derived from a general compactness theorem...

Currently displaying 901 – 920 of 1121