Displaying 941 – 960 of 1497

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Algebras of quotients with bounded evaluation of a normed semiprime algebra

M. Cabrera, Amir A. Mohammed (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We deal with the algebras consisting of the quotients that produce bounded evaluation on suitable ideals of the multiplication algebra of a normed semiprime algebra A. These algebras of quotients, which contain A, are subalgebras of the bounded algebras of quotients of A, and they have an algebra seminorm for which the relevant inclusions are continuous. We compute these algebras of quotients for some norm ideals on a Hilbert space H: 1) the algebras of quotients with bounded evaluation of the ideal...

Algebras of Toeplitz operators with oscillating symbols.

Albrecht Böttcher, Sergei M. Grudsky, Enrique Ramírez de Arellano (2004)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

This paper is devoted to Banach algebras generated by Toeplitz operators with strongly oscillating symbols, that is, with symbols of the form b[eia(x)] where b belongs to some algebra of functions on the unit circle and a is a fixed orientation-preserving homeomorphism of the real line onto itself. We prove the existence of certain interesting homomorphisms and establish conditions for the normal solvability, Fredholmness, and invertibility of operators in these algebras.

Currently displaying 941 – 960 of 1497