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Embedding theorems for Müntz spaces

Isabelle Chalendar, Emmanuel Fricain, Dan Timotin (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We discuss boundedness and compactness properties of the embedding M Λ 1 L 1 ( μ ) , where M Λ 1 is the closed linear span of the monomials x λ n in L 1 ( [ 0 , 1 ] ) and μ is a finite positive Borel measure on the interval [ 0 , 1 ] . In particular, we introduce a class of “sublinear” measures and provide a rather complete solution of the embedding problem for the class of quasilacunary sequences Λ . Finally, we show how one can recapture some of Al Alam’s results on boundedness and the essential norm of weighted composition operators from M Λ 1 ...

Embeddings of finite-dimensional operator spaces into the second dual

Alvaro Arias, Timur Oikhberg (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We show that, if a a finite-dimensional operator space E is such that X contains E C-completely isomorphically whenever X** contains E completely isometrically, then E is 2 15 C 11 -completely isomorphic to Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ for some n, m ∈ ℕ ∪ 0. The converse is also true: if X** contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ λ-completely isomorphically, then X contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ (2λ + ε)-completely isomorphically for any ε > 0.

Empathy theory and the Laplace transform

Niko Sauer (1997)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is concerned with double families of evolution operators employed in the study of dynamical systems in which cause and effect are represented in different Banach spaces. The main tool is the Laplace transform of vector-valued functions. It is used to define the generator of the double family which is a pair of unbounded linear operators and relates to implicit evolution equations in a direct manner. The characterization of generators for a special class of evolutions is presented.

Employing different loss functions for the classification of images via supervised learning

Radu Boţ, André Heinrich, Gert Wanka (2014)

Open Mathematics

Supervised learning methods are powerful techniques to learn a function from a given set of labeled data, the so-called training data. In this paper the support vector machines approach is applied to an image classification task. Starting with the corresponding Tikhonov regularization problem, reformulated as a convex optimization problem, we introduce a conjugate dual problem to it and prove that, whenever strong duality holds, the function to be learned can be expressed via the dual optimal solutions....

Entropy and approximation numbers of embeddings between weighted Besov spaces

Iwona Piotrowska (2008)

Banach Center Publications

The present paper is devoted to the study of the “quality” of the compactness of the trace operator. More precisely, we characterize the asymptotic behaviour of entropy numbers of the compact map t r Γ : B p , q s ( , w ϰ Γ ) L p ( Γ ) , where Γ is a d-set with 0 < d < n and w ϰ Γ a weight of type w ϰ Γ ( x ) d i s t ( x , Γ ) ϰ near Γ with ϰ > -(n-d). There are parallel results for approximation numbers.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 644