Displaying 81 – 100 of 654

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The class of convolution operators on the Marcinkiewicz spaces

Ka-Sing Lau (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let 𝒯 X denote the operator-norm closure of the class of convolution operators Φ μ : X X where X is a suitable function space on R . Let r p be the closed subspace of regular functions in the Marinkiewicz space p , 1 p < . We show that the space 𝒯 r p is isometrically isomorphic to 𝒯 L p and that strong operator sequential convergence and norm convergence in 𝒯 r p coincide. We also obtain some results concerning convolution operators under the Wiener transformation. These are to improve a Tauberian theorem of Wiener on 2 .

The closure of the invertibles in a von Neumann algebra

Laura Burlando, Robin Harte (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In this paper we consider a subset  of a Banach algebra A (containing all elements of A which have a generalized inverse) and characterize membership in the closure of the invertibles for the elements of Â. Thus our result yields a characterization of the closure of the invertible group for all those Banach algebras A which satisfy  = A. In particular, we prove that  = A when A is a von Neumann algebra. We also derive from our characterization new proofs of previously known results, namely Feldman...

The coincidence index for fundamentally contractible multivalued maps with nonconvex values

Dorota Gabor (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study a coincidence problem of the form A(x) ∈ ϕ (x), where A is a linear Fredholm operator with nonnegative index between Banach spaces and ϕ is a multivalued A-fundamentally contractible map (in particular, it is not necessarily compact). The main tool is a coincidence index, which becomes the well known Leray-Schauder fixed point index when A=id and ϕ is a compact singlevalued map. An application to boundary value problems for differential equations in Banach spaces is given.

The commutators of analysis and interpolation

Cerdà, Joan (2003)

Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications

The boundedness properties of commutators for operators are of central importance in Mathematical Analysis, and some of these commutators arise in a natural way from interpolation theory. Our aim is to present a general abstract method to prove the boundedness of the commutator [ T , Ω ] for linear operators T and certain unbounded operators Ω that appear in interpolation theory, previously known and a priori unrelated for both real and complex interpolation methods, and also to show how the abstract result...

The complete hyperexpansivity analog of the Embry conditions

Ameer Athavale (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The Embry conditions are a set of positivity conditions that characterize subnormal operators (on Hilbert spaces) whose theory is closely related to the theory of positive definite functions on the additive semigroup ℕ of non-negative integers. Completely hyperexpansive operators are the negative definite counterpart of subnormal operators. We show that completely hyperexpansive operators are characterized by a set of negativity conditions, which are the natural analog of the Embry conditions for...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 654