Displaying 1121 – 1140 of 11135

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An improved convergence analysis of Newton's method for twice Fréchet differentiable operators

Ioannis K. Argyros, Sanjay K. Khattri (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We develop local and semilocal convergence results for Newton's method in order to solve nonlinear equations in a Banach space setting. The results compare favorably to earlier ones utilizing Lipschitz conditions on the second Fréchet derivative of the operators involved. Numerical examples where our new convergence conditions are satisfied but earlier convergence conditions are not satisfied are also reported.

An index formula for chains

Robin Harte, Woo Lee (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We derive a formula for the index of Fredholm chains on normed spaces.

An inequality for spherical Cauchy dual tuples

Sameer Chavan (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let T be a spherical 2-expansive m-tuple and let T denote its spherical Cauchy dual. If T is commuting then the inequality | β | = k ( β ! ) - 1 ( T ) β ( T ) * β ( k + m - 1 k ) | β | = k ( β ! ) - 1 ( T ) * β ( T ) β holds for every positive integer k. In case m = 1, this reveals the rather curious fact that all positive integral powers of the Cauchy dual of a 2-expansive (or concave) operator are hyponormal.

An inquiry-based method for Choquet integral-based aggregation of interface usability parameters

Miguel-Ángel Sicilia, Elena García Barriocanal, Tomasa Calvo (2003)


The concept of usability of man-machine interfaces is usually judged in terms of a number of aspects or attributes that are known to be subject to some rough correlations, and that are in many cases given different importance, depending on the context of use of the application. In consequence, the automation of judgment processes regarding the overall usability of concrete interfaces requires the design of aggregation operators that are capable of modeling approximate or ill-defined interactions...

Currently displaying 1121 – 1140 of 11135