Displaying 121 – 140 of 727

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Classes of operators satisfying a-Weyl's theorem

Pietro Aiena (2005)

Studia Mathematica

In this article Weyl’s theorem and a-Weyl’s theorem on Banach spaces are related to an important property which has a leading role in local spectral theory: the single-valued extension theory. We show that if T has SVEP then Weyl’s theorem and a-Weyl’s theorem for T* are equivalent, and analogously, if T* has SVEP then Weyl’s theorem and a-Weyl’s theorem for T are equivalent. From this result we deduce that a-Weyl’s theorem holds for classes of operators for which the quasi-nilpotent part H₀(λI...

Classical solutions of parabolic equations in Hölder spaces

Eugenio Sinestrari (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Sono dati nuovi teoremi di esistenza per soluzioni regolari di equazioni di evoluzione paraboliche astratte con applicazioni all'equazione del calore in spazi di funzioni holderiane e alle equazioni semilineari.

Classification of homotopy classes of equivariant gradient maps

E. N. Dancer, K. Gęba, S. M. Rybicki (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let V be an orthogonal representation of a compact Lie group G and let S(V),D(V) be the unit sphere and disc of V, respectively. If F: V → ℝ is a G-invariant C¹-map then the G-equivariant gradient C⁰-map ∇F: V → V is said to be admissible provided that ( F ) - 1 ( 0 ) S ( V ) = . We classify the homotopy classes of admissible G-equivariant gradient maps ∇F: (D(V),S(V)) → (V,V∖0).

Clifford-Hermite-monogenic operators

Freddy Brackx, Nele de Schepper, Frank Sommen (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we consider operators acting on a subspace of the space L 2 ( m ; m ) of square integrable functions and, in particular, Clifford differential operators with polynomial coefficients. The subspace is defined as the orthogonal sum of spaces s , k of specific Clifford basis functions of L 2 ( m ; m ) . Every Clifford endomorphism of can be decomposed into the so-called Clifford-Hermite-monogenic operators. These Clifford-Hermite-monogenic operators are characterized in terms of commutation relations and they...

Closed ideals in the Banach algebra of operators on a Banach space

Niels Jakob Laustsen, Richard J. Loy (2005)

Banach Center Publications

In general, little is known about the lattice of closed ideals in the Banach algebra ℬ(E) of all bounded, linear operators on a Banach space E. We list the (few) Banach spaces for which this lattice is completely understood, and we give a survey of partial results for a number of other Banach spaces. We then investigate the lattice of closed ideals in ℬ(F), where F is one of Figiel's reflexive Banach spaces not isomorphic to their Cartesian squares. Our main result is that this lattice is uncountable....

Closed operator ideals and limiting real interpolation

Luz M. Fernández-Cabrera, Antón Martínez (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We establish interpolation properties under limiting real methods for a class of closed ideals including weakly compact operators, Banach-Saks operators, Rosenthal operators and Asplund operators. We show that they behave much better than compact operators.

Closed operators affiliated with a Banach algebra of operators

Bruce Barnes (1992)

Studia Mathematica

Let ℬ be a Banach algebra of bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. If S is a closed operator in X such that (λ - S)^{-1} ∈ ℬ for some number λ, then S is affiliated with ℬ. The object of this paper is to study the spectral theory and Fredholm theory relative to ℬ of an operator which is affiliated with ℬ. Also, applications are given to semigroups of operators which are contained in ℬ.

Closed range multipliers and generalized inverses

K. Laursen, M. Mbekhta (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Conditions involving closed range of multipliers on general Banach algebras are studied. Numerous conditions equivalent to a splitting A = TA ⊕ kerT are listed, for a multiplier T defined on the Banach algebra A. For instance, it is shown that TA ⊕ kerT = A if and only if there is a commuting operator S for which T = TST and S = STS, that this is the case if and only if such S may be taken to be a multiplier, and that these conditions are also equivalent to the existence of a factorization T = PB,...

Closed semistable operators and singular differential equations

Jaromír J. Koliha, Trung Dinh Tran (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study a class of closed linear operators on a Banach space whose nonzero spectrum lies in the open left half plane, and for which 0 is at most a simple pole of the operator resolvent. Our spectral theory based methods enable us to give a simple proof of the characterization of C 0 -semigroups of bounded linear operators with asynchronous exponential growth, and recover results of Thieme, Webb and van Neerven. The results are applied to the study of the asymptotic behavior of the solutions to a singularly...

Closed universal subspaces of spaces of infinitely differentiable functions

Stéphane Charpentier, Quentin Menet, Augustin Mouze (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We exhibit the first examples of Fréchet spaces which contain a closed infinite dimensional subspace of universal series, but no restricted universal series. We consider classical Fréchet spaces of infinitely differentiable functions which do not admit a continuous norm. Furthermore, this leads us to establish some more general results for sequences of operators acting on Fréchet spaces with or without a continuous norm. Additionally, we give a characterization of the existence of a closed subspace...

Closedness type regularity conditions for surjectivity results involving the sum of two maximal monotone operators

Radu Ioan Boţ, Sorin-Mihai Grad (2011)

Open Mathematics

In this note we provide regularity conditions of closedness type which guarantee some surjectivity results concerning the sum of two maximal monotone operators by using representative functions. The first regularity condition we give guarantees the surjectivity of the monotone operator S(· + p) + T(·), where p ɛ X and S and T are maximal monotone operators on the reflexive Banach space X. Then, this is used to obtain sufficient conditions for the surjectivity of S + T and for the situation when...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 727