Displaying 161 – 180 of 1123

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Shape-preserving properties and asymptotic behaviour of the semigroup generated by the Black-Scholes operator

Antonio Attalienti, Ioan Rasa (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The paper is devoted to a careful analysis of the shape-preserving properties of the strongly continuous semigroup generated by a particular second-order differential operator, with particular emphasis on the preservation of higher order convexity and Lipschitz classes. In addition, the asymptotic behaviour of the semigroup is investigated as well. The operator considered is of interest, since it is a unidimensional Black-Scholes operator so that our results provide qualitative information on the...

Sharp estimates for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator

Giancarlo Mauceri, Stefano Meda, Peter Sjögren (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Let be the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator which is self-adjoint with respect to the Gauss measure γ on d . We prove a sharp estimate of the operator norm of the imaginary powers of on L p ( γ ) , 1 < p < ...

Sharp large deviations for Gaussian quadratic forms with applications

Bernard Bercu, Fabrice Gamboa, Marc Lavielle (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Under regularity assumptions, we establish a sharp large deviation principle for Hermitian quadratic forms of stationary Gaussian processes. Our result is similar to the well-known Bahadur-Rao theorem [2] on the sample mean. We also provide several examples of application such as the sharp large deviation properties of the Neyman-Pearson likelihood ratio test, of the sum of squares, of the Yule-Walker estimator of the parameter of a stable autoregressive Gaussian process, and finally of the empirical...

Sharp maximal functions associated with approximations of the identity in spaces of homogeneous type and applications

José María Martell (2004)

Studia Mathematica

In the context of the spaces of homogeneous type, given a family of operators that look like approximations of the identity, new sharp maximal functions are considered. We prove a good-λ inequality for Muckenhoupt weights, which leads to an analog of the Fefferman-Stein estimate for the classical sharp maximal function. As a consequence, we establish weighted norm estimates for certain singular integrals, defined on irregular domains, with Hörmander conditions replaced by some estimates which do...

Sharp spectral asymptotics and Weyl formula for elliptic operators with Non-smooth Coefficients-Part 2

Lech Zielinski (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We describe the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of self-adjoint elliptic differential operators, assuming that the first-order derivatives of the coefficients are Lipschitz continuous. We consider the asymptotic formula of Hörmander's type for the spectral function of pseudodifferential operators obtained via a regularization procedure of non-smooth coefficients.

Sharp spectral multipliers for Hardy spaces associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators satisfying Davies-Gaffney estimates

Peng Chen (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider an abstract non-negative self-adjoint operator L acting on L²(X) which satisfies Davies-Gaffney estimates. Let H L p ( X ) (p > 0) be the Hardy spaces associated to the operator L. We assume that the doubling condition holds for the metric measure space X. We show that a sharp Hörmander-type spectral multiplier theorem on H L p ( X ) follows from restriction-type estimates and Davies-Gaffney estimates. We also establish a sharp result for the boundedness of Bochner-Riesz means on H L p ( X ) .

Shift invariant measures and simple spectrum

A. Kłopotowski, M. Nadkarni (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider some descriptive properties of supports of shift invariant measures on under the assumption that the closed linear span (in L 2 ) of the co-ordinate functions on is all of L 2 .

Shift-invariant functionals on Banach sequence spaces

Albrecht Pietsch (2013)

Studia Mathematica

The present paper is a continuation of [23], from which we know that the theory of traces on the Marcinkiewicz operator ideal ( H ) : = T ( H ) : s u p 1 m < 1 / ( l o g m + 1 ) n = 1 m a ( T ) < can be reduced to the theory of shift-invariant functionals on the Banach sequence space ( ) : = c = ( γ l ) : s u p 0 k < 1 / ( k + 1 ) l = 0 k | γ l | < . The final purpose of my studies, which will be finished in [24], is the following. Using the density character as a measure, I want to determine the size of some subspaces of the dual *(H). Of particular interest are the sets formed by the Dixmier traces and the Connes-Dixmier traces...

Short-time heat flow and functions of bounded variation in R N

Michele Miranda, Diego Pallara, Fabio Paronetto, Marc Preunkert (2007)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We prove a characterisation of sets with finite perimeter and B V functions in terms of the short time behaviour of the heat semigroup in R N . For sets with smooth boundary a more precise result is shown.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 1123