Displaying 161 – 180 of 254

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Little G. T. for lp-lattice summing operators

Mezrag, Lahcène (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B28, 47D15.In this paper we introduce and study the lp-lattice summing operators in the category of operator spaces which are the analogous of p-lattice summing operators in the commutative case. We study some interesting characterizations of this type of operators which generalize the results of Nielsen and Szulga and we show that Λ l∞( B(H) ,OH) ≠ Λ l2( B( H) ,OH), in opposition to the commutative case.

Local analysis of a cubically convergent method for variational inclusions

Steeve Burnet, Alain Pietrus (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper deals with variational inclusions of the form 0 ∈ φ(x) + F(x) where φ is a single-valued function admitting a second order Fréchet derivative and F is a set-valued map from q to the closed subsets of q . When a solution z̅ of the previous inclusion satisfies some semistability properties, we obtain local superquadratic or cubic convergent sequences.

Local and global solutions of well-posed integrated Cauchy problems

Pedro J. Miana (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We study the local well-posed integrated Cauchy problem v ' ( t ) = A v ( t ) + ( t α ) / Γ ( α + 1 ) x , v(0) = 0, t ∈ [0,κ), with κ > 0, α ≥ 0, and x ∈ X, where X is a Banach space and A a closed operator on X. We extend solutions increasing the regularity in α. The global case (κ = ∞) is also treated in detail. Growth of solutions is given in both cases.

Local attractivity in nonautonomous semilinear evolution equations

Joël Blot, Constantin Buşe, Philippe Cieutat (2014)

Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

We study the local attractivity of mild solutions of equations in the form u’(t) = A(t)u(t) + f (t, u(t)), where A(t) are (possible) unbounded linear operators in a Banach space and where f is a (possible) nonlinear mapping. Under conditions of exponential stability of the linear part, we establish the local attractivity of various kinds of mild solutions. To obtain these results we provide several results on the Nemytskii operators on the space of the functions which converge to zero at infinity...

Local center manifold for parabolic equations with infinite delay

Hana Petzeltová (1994)

Mathematica Bohemica

The existence and attractivity of a local center manifold for fully nonlinear parabolic equation with infinite delay is proved with help of a solutions semigroup constructed on the space of initial conditions. The result is applied to the stability problem for a parabolic integrodifferential equation.

Local convergence for a family of iterative methods based on decomposition techniques

Ioannis K. Argyros, Santhosh George, Shobha Monnanda Erappa (2016)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We present a local convergence analysis for a family of iterative methods obtained by using decomposition techniques. The convergence of these methods was shown before using hypotheses on up to the seventh derivative although only the first derivative appears in these methods. In the present study we expand the applicability of these methods by showing convergence using only the first derivative. Moreover we present a radius of convergence and computable error bounds based only on Lipschitz constants....

Local convergence for a multi-point family of super-Halley methods in a Banach space under weak conditions

Ioannis K. Argyros, Santhosh George (2015)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We present a local multi-point convergence analysis for a family of super-Halley methods of high convergence order in order to approximate a solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach space. Our sufficient convergence conditions involve only hypotheses on the first and second Fréchet derivative of the operator involved. Earlier studies use hypotheses up to the third Fréchet derivative. Numerical examples are also provided.

Local convergence of inexact Newton methods under affine invariant conditions and hypotheses on the second Fréchet derivative

Ioannis Argyros (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We use inexact Newton iterates to approximate a solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach space. Solving a nonlinear equation using Newton iterates at each stage is very expensive in general. That is why we consider inexact Newton methods, where the Newton equations are solved only approximately, and in some unspecified manner. In earlier works [2], [3], natural assumptions under which the forcing sequences are uniformly less than one were given based on the second Fréchet derivative of the operator...

Local convergence of two competing third order methods in Banach space

Ioannis K. Argyros, Santhosh George (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We present a local convergence analysis for two popular third order methods of approximating a solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach space setting. The convergence ball and error estimates are given for both methods under the same conditions. A comparison is given between the two methods, as well as numerical examples.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 254