Jak se studují útvary v prostoru? I. část [Book]
Jaké jest geometrické místo průseků tečen jedné kůželosečky s polarami bodů dotyčných vzhledem ke kůželosečce druhé?
Join systems and closure spaces
Jordan- and Lie geometries
In these lecture notes we report on research aiming at understanding the relation beween algebras and geometries, by focusing on the classes of Jordan algebraic and of associative structures and comparing them with Lie structures. The geometric object sought for, called a generalized projective, resp. an associative geometry, can be seen as a combination of the structure of a symmetric space, resp. of a Lie group, with the one of a projective geometry. The text is designed for readers having basic...
-arcs in finite Benz planes.
K základní větě -rozměrné centrální axonometrie
Kac-Moody groups, hovels and Littelmann paths
We give the definition of a kind of building for a symmetrizable Kac-Moody group over a field endowed with a discrete valuation and with a residue field containing . Due to the lack of some important property of buildings, we call it a hovel. Nevertheless, some good ones remain, for example, the existence of retractions with center a sector-germ. This enables us to generalize many results proved in the semisimple case by S. Gaussent and P. Littelmann. In particular, if , the geodesic segments...
Karel Zahradník (1848–1916) [Book]
Kategorizitätsbeweise in der Geometrie
Kegelschnitte in Moufangebenen.
Kinematische Kettengebüsche und -sterne
Kipp-Ikosaeder. II.
Klassifikation ebener Dreiecke nach Abstandsrelationen
Klassisches und Modernes über Steiner Tripelsysteme.
Kleine Desargues-Bedingung in Geweben
Kleinsche Geometrie und Theorie der geometrischen Objekte
Kloosterman sums for Clifford algebras and a lower bound for the positive eigenvalues of the Laplacian for congruence subgroups acting on hyperbolic spaces.
Kollineationsgruppen kompakter 4-dimensionaler Ebenen. II.
Kollineationsgruppen kompakter, vier-dimensionaler Ebenen.