Displaying 241 – 260 of 328

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Ricci-flat left-invariant Lorentzian metrics on 2-step nilpotent Lie groups

Mohammed Guediri, Mona Bin-Asfour (2014)

Archivum Mathematicum

The purpose of this paper is to investigate Ricci-flatness of left-invariant Lorentzian metrics on 2-step nilpotent Lie groups. We first show that if , is a Ricci-flat left-invariant Lorentzian metric on a 2-step nilpotent Lie group N , then the restriction of , to the center of the Lie algebra of N is degenerate. We then characterize the 2-step nilpotent Lie groups which can be endowed with a Ricci-flat left-invariant Lorentzian metric, and we deduce from this that a Heisenberg Lie group H 2 n + 1 can be...

Riemann compatible tensors

Carlo Alberto Mantica, Luca Guido Molinari (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Derdziński and Shen's theorem on the restrictions on the Riemann tensor imposed by existence of a Codazzi tensor holds more generally when a Riemann compatible tensor exists. Several properties are shown to remain valid in this broader setting. Riemann compatibility is equivalent to the Bianchi identity for a new "Codazzi deviation tensor", with a geometric significance. The above general properties are studied, with their implications on Pontryagin forms. Examples are given of manifolds with Riemann...

Riemann maps in almost complex manifolds

Bernard Coupet, Hervé Gaussier, Alexandre Sukhov (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove the existence of stationary discs in the ball for small almost complex deformations of the standard structure. We define a local analogue of the Riemann map and establish its main properties. These constructions are applied to study the local geometry of almost complex manifolds and their morphisms.

Riemannian foliations with parallel or harmonic basic forms

Fida El Chami, Georges Habib, Roger Nakad (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we consider a Riemannian foliation that admits a nontrivial parallel or harmonic basic form. We estimate the norm of the O’Neill tensor in terms of the curvature data of the whole manifold. Some examples are then given.

Riemannian manifolds in which certain curvature operator has constant eigenvalues along each helix

Yana Alexieva, Stefan Ivanov (1999)

Archivum Mathematicum

Riemannian manifolds for which a natural skew-symmetric curvature operator has constant eigenvalues on helices are studied. A local classification in dimension three is given. In the three dimensional case one gets all locally symmetric spaces and all Riemannian manifolds with the constant principal Ricci curvatures r 1 = r 2 = 0 , r 3 0 , which are not locally homogeneous, in general.

Riemannian manifolds not quasi-isometric to leaves in codimension one foliations

Paul A. Schweitzer (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Every open manifold L of dimension greater than one has complete Riemannian metrics g with bounded geometry such that ( L , g ) is not quasi-isometric to a leaf of a codimension one foliation of a closed manifold. Hence no conditions on the local geometry of ( L , g ) suffice to make it quasi-isometric to a leaf of such a foliation. We introduce the ‘bounded homology property’, a semi-local property of ( L , g ) that is necessary for it to be a leaf in a compact manifold in codimension one, up to quasi-isometry. An essential...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 328