Displaying 101 – 120 of 334

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Elliptic operators and higher signatures

Eric Leichtnam, Paolo Piazza (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Building on the theory of elliptic operators, we give a unified treatment of the following topics: - the problem of homotopy invariance of Novikov’s higher signatures on closed manifolds, - the problem of cut-and-paste invariance of Novikov’s higher signatures on closed manifolds, - the problem of defining higher signatures on manifolds with boundary and proving their homotopy invariance.

Elliptic problems with integral diffusion

Yannick Sire (2011/2012)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

In this paper, we review several recent results dealing with elliptic equations with non local diffusion. More precisely, we investigate several problems involving the fractional laplacian. Finally, we present a conformally covariant operator and the associated singular and regular Yamabe problem.

Ellipticity of the symplectic twistor complex

Svatopluk Krýsl (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

For a Fedosov manifold (symplectic manifold equipped with a symplectic torsion-free affine connection) admitting a metaplectic structure, we shall investigate two sequences of first order differential operators acting on sections of certain infinite rank vector bundles defined over this manifold. The differential operators are symplectic analogues of the twistor operators known from Riemannian or Lorentzian spin geometry. It is known that the mentioned sequences form complexes if the symplectic...

Embedding of open riemannian manifolds by harmonic functions

Robert E. Greene, H. Wu (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let M be a noncompact Riemannian manifold of dimension n . Then there exists a proper embedding of M into R 2 n + 1 by harmonic functions on M . It is easy to find 2 n + 1 harmonic functions which give an embedding. However, it is more difficult to achieve properness. The proof depends on the theorems of Lax-Malgrange and Aronszajn-Cordes in the theory of elliptic equations.

End-to-end gluing of constant mean curvature hypersurfaces

Mohamed Jleli (2009)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

It was observed by R. Kusner and proved by J. Ratzkin that one can connect together two constant mean curvature surfaces having two ends with the same Delaunay parameter. This gluing procedure is known as a “end-to-end connected sum”. In this paper we generalize, in any dimension, this gluing procedure to construct new constant mean curvature hypersurfaces starting from some known hypersurfaces.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 334